Halloween Primary Singing Time

This next week is my favorite holiday. I love Halloween more than any other time of year. I love all the candy, pumpkins and black and orange decor. I have a lot of decorations around my house; almost as many as Christmas!

October Singing Time in Primary is fun! 

So it’s fun to bring some in for Primary and put a piece of paper with the songs taped to the backs of some of my cute decorations.

Use some decorations from home! 

Okay my FAVORITE HOLIDAY is this month! Yip Yip Hooray it’s almost Halloween! I don’t know why I’ve always loved it. Maybe it is the costumes and dressing up.

I’ve got gobs of them….

Maybe it is the black and orange and all the icons (pumpkins, cats, Frankie, skeletons etc.)  But I’m a Halloween nut. I’ve got almost as many Halloween Boxes for decorating that I do for Christmas….yeah I know….it’s an illness…..snicker….

Can you tell I love Hobby Lobby?

Oh yes….and The Dollar Store! I got these both for one dollar! 

Linens from Kohls…I always love their table runners….

And we can’t forget Taipan Trading? Oh no! Look at this cute plate I just picked up with a 25% off coupon! 

Here’s my front entry….

Side table….There’s my little Marisa! 

Coffee table is so creepy! 

Another end table….

I know. It’s an illness. But have fun with Halloween for Singing time!

Use some of these cute decs for Singing Time in Primary! 

Kids would love a few light up pumpkins or skeletons to choose a song from! 

So this month be sure to do some fun Halloween singing time! There are plenty of things you could do; Halloween Tic Tac Toe with songs….. I found a cute handmade Tic Tac Toe out of popsicle sticks and pom poms HERE at Busy Bee Crafts. You could make it for Primary and bring if home for your kids to play with. They’d LOVE that!

.Halloween choose a black or orange balloon and pop them to find the song we are singing……

Kids love to pop the balloons to find out what song to sing inside…..

Or just bring in some Halloween Decorations and put a song number on the back of each one.  It is fun for the kids to see all your cute decs.  I usually ask a question about the lesson before they can raise their hand to come up and choose. That way you are doing double duty; a recap of the lesson and some fun stuff too.


Primary Chorister October Activities and Puzzlers

 I went to the wedding of my bishop’s daughter this week. I had to snap pictures of some of the beauties of nature I saw in the beautiful outdoor setting. Aren’t these florals so pretty? I wish my flowers grew this good!  (black thumb) 🙁

Here is one I have not done but got the idea from another chorister. She writes the song title  on a piece of construction paper in a color. You could do several songs the same way, just be sure they are all written on different colors of paper.  Then she cuts the paper up into 4 or so pieces and tapes it in pieces to the bottom of several of the children’s chairs.

They have to come up if they found a puzzle piece (in a certain color) and the kids who found the “blue puzzle” try to put them up on the board and guess the name of the song with mixed up words.  When somebody does guess the song name, they get to help lead the music with percussion instruments or bells or just a conducting wand if that is all you have.

Here are my 3 little Granddaughters at Gardner Village going to see the Halloween Witches with me. 

 We also took a little trip to a cute, quaint shopping village in the Salt Lake area called Gardner Village. Every year they bring out these giant Witches at Halloween. It’s a fun destination for an afternoon of fun and photo ops!

We had to take some pictures. My pink and purple witch and little Minnie Mouse! 
We had a great time. The weather was so great, we even had some Utah sun in October! And the ducks were in the pond too. We got suckers, some Halloween jewelry to wear home, and then went out to dinner with
the moms and dads. It was such a fun time! 
Meg is doing her little part in the Primary Presentation this week for the first time. We of course have to go see it! She just turned 4.

I would bring some little percussion instruments, bells, chimes or a GIRL/BOY sign for the kids to have fun with in helping direct. You could also have a sign that says HUM/WHISTLE just for variety.
The kids all know the songs anyway so you probably aren’t still teaching new ones yet.

Use a set of these bells for kids to play along with the piano. It doesn’t matter what notes they play, but you could pick out just the c and e notes to start. 

Hopefully all of your PRIMARY PRESENTATIONS have been done and you are feeling a sense of pride and relief at the same time. 😀

I loved this picture so much I put it on my Facebook page. Yes I facebook too!

 My daughter’s presentation is coming up in a week so we are looking forward to seeing my 2 granddaughters say their parts they’ve been practicing. In the meantime, we have had a wonderful General Conference and in our stake we have Stake Conference next week. So it’s been a great time of year to get my bucket filled up! Yup!

I have a set of these and the kids LOVE to play these with wooden mallets (stick with a small ball on the end) They are a lot of fun.

I snapped this cute pic of the flower girl at the reception. So cute! And just Look at the beautiful Utah mountains near where I live. Can you believe this glorious fall scene?  I know…it’s so great!

Looking over the bridge to the water below at the witch on a raft…at G

Beautiful fall leaves on the trees and ducks in the pond. I love Fall!
 Hope you are taking the time to fill up on the beauties of Fall, my favorite season, where nature is at its very best.   


I Want to Be a Missionary Now

We just got done having my son’s 30th birthday “Old Goat” party. We played pin the tail on the goat. It was fun. And it got me to thinking. How could you do this game in primary?

I made this goat poster to play Pin the Tail on the Old Goat….

What if you played, “PIN THE TAG ON THE MISSIONARY” instead?

Here I am playing the game….what a geek, I know what you are thinking…GEEK!
Well, you would be right there…..

The little girls loved the game……Meg confessed after
she won the game (4 year old) that she could see through the blindfold.  So funny! 

Goat bundt cake….tee hee…..

We could do the same thing with Pin the Badge on the Missionary. On the back of each badge could be a song title. Then when kids come up to pick a badge, either have them answer a question, or just have the group sing the song and then let them close their eyes and put on the badge (or get a ski mask and have them put it over their head and eyes) and try to put it on Mike the Missionary.

I Want To Be a Missionary Now
I Hope They Call Me on a Mission
Army of Helaman

This website  mn crafts has a cute tutorial on how to do a “Pin the Badge on the Missionary” Game. Kids would LOVE this. It is so CUTE!   

Or reverse it and you could ask each child a question to get them to come up and pick a badge. A cute badge downloadable is below.

It works for Bobbi has some DARLING downloadable missionary tags and this cute printable to send home with the kids to help them start being a missionary NOW!  I love this! 

Talk about your favorite Church hymn/song.
Tell something you can do to help your testimony grow.
Give someone a sincere complement.
Who is your favorite person from the scriptures? Why?
Share what you could write in a BoM to give to a friend.
Tell why you appreciate Jesus Christ.
Name two ways you can set an example.
How could you be a friend to someone who seems to be left out?
Name a Church magazine/book you could share with a friend.
Repeat and/or explain an article of faith.
Name a Church activity you can invite a friend to.
Repeat and/or explain your favorite scripture.
Name two ways you can be kind to others.
Name a Church video you could share with a friend.

This was at my son’s missionary homecoming in December a few years back. He is the one on the left, with arms around all his former companions who came to hear him speak.  I love all of these boys. They were a Band of Brothers. 
I Want to Be a Missionary Now! 

I love missionaries. I remember going to pick up my son, Devin, from Armenia. He was an assistant to the president in the MTC and also in Armenia’s mission office which included Georgia. It is near Iran and Turkey, not a mom’s favorite place in the world. But he learned a little Russian, and Armenian and could understand a little Georgian language. I got to see what those missionaries feel for their investigators and converts. Devin was teaching some “Persians” which really means Iranians when we left. I saw their 1/2 size translated Books of Mormon (completely marked up). I thought to myself. “I’m looking at the future leadership of our church in Armenia….these Iranians who have read what they could of the mini bits of translation that they could get.  I still am moved when I think of them studying the gospel in small, humble rooms in homes….being offered baked balls of flour rolled in sugar for cookies and water for refreshments. 

Some of the many missionaries we housed for a year and a half in our home. The one holding our dog is Sister N. from Tonga. I could never really say her name all that well. (Neutupuivaha) 
We had many sisters and about 6 elders over the time we housed them. It was always fun, exciting with news of the work, and meaningful to me and my hubs. 

I would not trade the experience of seeing my son doing the work of the Lord, for anything, for any amount of money, time and all the myriad of details my husband and I had to both overcome in our jobs to get off work for 9 days. It was life changing for me to see the people of his mission and how he had been changed.  

Devin with the missionaries 

Why was our dog Bruce always in our missionary pictures? I guess they loved our dog a lot. Except when he ate Elder Lufe’s beef jerkey he had left on his bed….hehehe….He was from New Zealand (he is 2nd from the left). He was always so polite! You’ll notice I”m holding my doggie’s tennis ball and that’s all he is caring about! lol 

Many months later I was able to host a mission reunion at my house. 70 kids from all over came and packed into our home to hear their former mission president. There is really nothing like it on God’s green earth. The spirit just oozes everywhere. Love is pouring out of everybody. I loved sitting and being a fly on the wall. 

All the Armenian Missionaries in Dev’s district….Lots of them were from Utah. 

Danny being his goofy self….

 7 years ago today we lost our 17 year old senior in high school in a car crash on a rainy October day. His name was Danny. I think of him serving the Lord too….on some kind of mission. Maybe helping all my relatives in some way who have all gone before. I feel him around me from time to time and I know he is about doing good things. And I have hope to someday see him again. Great HOPE!

My Dan at his brother Jeff’s wedding….

So….. Sing about missionaries, honor those missionaries of your wards. Keep the goal bright and shiny in the minds of Primary kids you have influence over. It changes lives all over the world, this thing we call being a missionary for the Lord. I’m a convert. I had 2 missionaries I love and remember too. Elder Whitchurch and Elder Thigpen. Wherever you are, thanks for everything. I hope I can be just like you when I grow up. 😀


My Birthday Party

I had a birthday on Monday and my daughter Tiffany hosted a birthday party for me Monday night. I went to lunch with the hubs so it was fun to not worry about anything food for an entire day!

Halloween decorations on the table were so cute….Tiff put a glass inside of this jar and then surrounded it with the candy corn. She didn’t really buy 100 pounds of candy. 
She is a master at these delicious bread bowls. The recipe is at Jamie Cooks it up HERE.

She made these wonderful, homemade bread bowls and some delicious creamy soup. Then she had my all time favorite spinach salad with strawberries and avocados and candied pecans. Can you spell Y-U-M-M-Y?

Gotta love the chairs all decorated like Halloween pumpkins….
Yummy spinach salad is one of my favorites…

My birthday cake was a strawberry cheesecake. It was so pretty and delish! My little granddaughter had cheesecake face. :O

Strawberry cheesecake…..Yes those are 4 CANDLES…..Yeah…I’m only turning 40 now. Woo Hoo! 
Yum, I like that cheesecake stuff grandma! Marisa has cheesecake face….

It was so fun to be spoiled. And my son-in-law likes Halloween like I like Halloween.

He’s going to add lots of spiderwebs and scary dudes hanging from ropes and stuff….

Here is the beginnings of his graveyard….the spooks are even coming out of the window wells to a strobe light. He still has to hang a few ghouls from a noose and a few more tombstones.

Marisa and Meg hung the little ghosties in the tree…so cute! 

 It’s gonna be the neighborhood fun stop for sure.  I better go get all my stuff out too!


General Conference Singing Time

I’ve been a slacker. I have gotten back into school (my day job) and we have lots of brand new core curriculum to cover and it has taken all my time getting used to it. So I haven’t had time to blog as much. Plus we had our grandkids last weekend, and, well, that took all my time, literally!

We got them some cute little pool squirt guns they got Grandpa pretty good with in the jacuzzi! 
Here I come grandpa! Gotcha!! 
Meg loves “swimming” in our jacuzzi….she thinks she needs to use the goggles and she likes
to splash around A LOT! :O 
We took them to the State Fair, McDonalds, Swimming and to the park and Cafe Rio. We were all pooped by the end of the weekend!

Anyway next weekend is not only my birthday on October 1st, but it is the Sunday before General Conference. I’m going to put all kinds of resources on this blog post that you could download and copy to give the kids to help them watch conference and enjoy it at the same time.

General Conference games are great to give out in Primary the week before General Conference!

 You could show them a conference Bingo card and maybe do a few of the squares linking them to a song with that word in it as you sing a range of songs. Have 2 colors of bingo chips (red for girls, blue for boys) and have a little competition throughout the 20 minutes of singing time to see how many words kids can hear and raise their hand to go cover with the “chips” which could just be colored circles of paper.

Here is Conference Bingo

Another song by Steven Perry and words by Brad Wilcox and it’s HERE copied from The Friend Magazine. Here is the first verse….

1. Of all the Sundays of the year,
the ones I love the best
are conf’rence Sundays twice a year,
so diff’rent from the rest.
I gather with my family
and feel the Spirit near
as I prepare to understand
the messages I hear.

Sing President Monson’s favorite Primary Song, “Give Said the Little Stream”. 

One bunch is from the church website. The link is HERE at LDS.org. There is a Bingo game for words that you hear in talks, a bunch of coloring pages, and some journaling pages to write in and color.

You could also sing one of President Monson’s favorite Primary songs! In his autobiography he said that he enjoyed singing “Give Said the Little Stream”. That’s one even the sunbeams can sing!
Here is some additional verses to the song that were written by Kimball Brown. 

Give Said the Little Stream
Additional lyrics: Kimball Brown
Lead: Ben Haacke

Give said the little stream
Give, oh give
Give, oh give
Give said the little stream
As it hurried down the hill
I’m small I know but wherever I go
The grass grows greener still
Give said the little rain
Give, oh give
Give, oh give
Give said the little rain
As it fell upon the flowers
I’ll raise their weary heads again
As it fell upon the flowers
Singing, singing all the day
Give away, oh give away
Singing, singing all the day
Give, oh give away

The Sunday before General Conference is a great time to do President Monson’s favorite Primary song! 

Give what is in your heart
Give away, Give away
Give what is in your heart
And your heart will ever live
Laugh when you’re filled with joy
Laugh away, laugh away
Laugh when you’re filled with joy
For laughing’s giving too
Give all you’ve got to give
Give away, give away
Give all you’ve got to give
Sing when your heart is full
Sing away, sing away
Sing when your heart is full
For singing’s giving too

Another packet can be printed out from Sugardoodle. The link is HERE at Sugardoodle.

Lots of activities can be found at Sugardoodle website for General Conference. 
Fall Pumpkin General Conference Activity….just color each section of pumpkin that you hear that word in one of the talks! Very fun and educational too!
A cute activity for elementary age kids would be this one. They listen to the talks with you, then color the sections of the fall pumpkins that have that word written that they just heard in a talk. It helps them to get something from conference by listening to the speakers with a little more attention! What an excellent idea from A Little Tipsy’s website.
Love these dudes! And I’m looking forward to General Conference in a week!  

One thing they can do is try to copy down all the new temples that are announced to be built and where they will be built. Then you could do a neat singing time next week on the 14th of October on all the primary songs about temples and then do a little quiz about how many temples were announced and where they are being built! That would be a GREAT AND FUN CHALLENGE FOR KIDS!


September Primary Singing Time

Well my oldest son turns 30 tomorrow, September 15th. I cannot believe I am old enough for two of my kiddos to be in their 30s!  I had my 4th child when I, myself was only 30! I still think of them as my kiddos still, even though they are all grown ups now. Where is all of this even logical?

Here he is with his own little baby girl. I can’t believe this kid is 30 years old! 
And I’m not sayin’ what birthday this is coming up….but I am a grandma to 3 and  1 on the way! 

I have a neighbor down the street whom I truly admire. She has 13 kids. And they are the nicest kids on the block. I love the ones that I have known well, like they are my own kids. I don’t know how she raised 13 kids without losing all of her hair and her mind. Can you even imagine doing 13 kids’ worth of PTA meetings and parent-teacher conferences? Or sporting events times 13 kids?

Even though Birthdays aren’t much fun anymore… hiking in the fall in Utah IS FUN!
This scene is above the Brighton Ski Resort, on the trail to Mary’s Lake.  

She is a genius homemaker too. She makes the most magnificent raspberry/blackberry pie you have ever tasted from her own raspberry and blackberry gardens. She shares her bushes with me when she wants to thin them out.

Fresh fruit pies from Marie Callender's Photo: Courtesy / SA
Raspberry Pie, there is nothing like it! 

Anyhoo, I don’t know why I had to tell you about these 2 people in my life, I guess these people that matter so much to us in our life, well, it is good to let them know sometimes, that you love them and you appreciate them. Life is too short. So go out and tell somebody they are a wonderful person to you. Make them a goat cake, like I’m going to make for my son.

I am blowing this goat up on my overhead projector and tracing him on gray poster board for a game of Pin the Tail on the Goat (Donkey). I should get some good pictures out of that!

He is always downloading funny goat youtubes of baby goats running around bleating sounding like grown men. So we told him for his birthday he was getting a lot of “goat ensembles”. I’m making a “PIN THE TAIL ON THE GOAT” game for the granddaughters to play against the adults. I still haven’t thought up any fun prizes yet though. Too bad they don’t have goat candy. Maybe a hunk of goat cheese will have to do, LOL.

 Here’s the fixin’s for the goat cheese onion dip. It tasted pretty good! But the goat cheese by
itself? Well, let’s just same nobody was a real fan.

 Here we are playing PIN THE TAIL ON THE GOAT…..LOL My grandkids loved it.

Jeff just tolerated the game. He’s a good sport. 

Don’t you feel sorry for my kids having this crazy lady for a mom? Yeah they have had a rough life, I must say. 

Now back to the job at hand. My favorite thing to do in Primary is playing “POP THE MUSICAL BALLOONS”.  You can put names of songs rolled up tiny inside balloons before you blow them up at church. (Don’t blow them up at home, you will be sorry when they all pop before you get there).

 Then tape them up on the chalkboard or wall. Then have kids come up and answer a question about the lesson, or tell you the first lines of the practice songs you are singing. If they can answer the questions correctly, let them pop a balloon. Then sing that song that is listed inside.

Dare to Do Right Primary Song Subway Art from Pinterest 

In the Leafy Treetops has a great flipchart for DARE TO DO RIGHT that I thought was cute.
The kids love the balloons and will sing really good to get a chance to do the second song’s balloon pop.  Have a popping good time in Primary!!


I’m Trying To Be Like Jesus

I was so inspired from hearing from members of the church speak about Mitt Romney at the Republican National Convention. He must have been such a wonderful bishop to these people who spoke. 

It made me realize how much I’m not doing my best to be a servant and a tool for the Lord. I could do better. I loved hearing how he would visit in the hospital to people in his congregation and bless their lives in small ways. Or bring in a turkey dinner to a family in need. Or write up a will for a little boy dying in the hospital so he could give away all his worldly goods to his friends.

Ward members who were served by Bishop Mitt Romney…

I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus has always been one of my favorite songs. It is the last song to be learned in the Presentation. How lucky is that? Kids and adults alike love hearing and singing this song. We all try to be like Him, but we all fall so short.

How hard am I trying to BE LIKE HIM?  I could do much better. 

I remember directing the singing in a Stake Primary Choir when I was in my 30s. I had been called to be the Stake Primary President. It was one of my all-time favorite callings. It was so joyful and moving for me, thinking back on directing that choir in Long Beach Stake, filled with an International little congregation of children from all parts of the world.

My choir did not have costumes, just lots of different faces. 

And they sang their little hearts out. Have you ever heard groups of Samoan and Tongan children sing? They can give any children’s choir the boost of volume it needs!  That is for sure. I loved those little children in my stake so much.

I loved the children in Primary and I still do. 

We challenged them that year to read the Book of Mormon with their parents and families. I remember painting one foot high Strippling Warriors with the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of truth, and  feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. What happened to my zeal in serving lately? I used to do so much. Now I barely do the minimum.  I think we just forget to be valiant. We forget to plan and prepare and set goals and make appointments for things we want to accomplish.

Men's Missionary Towel
I want to improve in my goal to serve more valiantly. 

This week at school I was asked to write 2 technology goals for me personally. I have noticed how much better I’ve become at technology in the last 5 years of being a teacher. And it is only because we are FORCED TO SET GOALS. I am NOT, by any stretch a technologically inclined person. But it is because I HAVE to learn it, that I do. Why can’t I be that way in completing my genealogy? Why can’t I be that way in my visiting teaching? Or reading my scriptures and doing some in depth gospel study on some topic that interests me? Because I don’t have to. It’s as simple and sad as that.

Luke 2:52-Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man-christian scripture necklace
We can all improve line upon line, and grow in gospel knowledge, recommit to a life of service and in being honest in all our dealings, my own favorite weakness. 

In singing this song, I am reminded what I am about here in this life. I am here to TRY to BE LIKE HIM.  And one way that I have found that helps, is setting small goals and working every single WEEK to accomplish a small part of the goal. Eating the elephant one bite at a time is my slogan. I see my progress in small, imperceptible to others steps and bits.

I remember how hard it was some Fridays to serve as a temple ordinance worker while I was working fulltime. I did it for 3 1/2 years. How did I do that? Well, just serving once a week is like eating the elephant one bite at a time. I just got myself there. Sometimes I had a run in my white nylons. Sometimes My dress was not as ironed as it should have been. But I would just get myself there, and the rest took care of itself. It was a weekly goal. And looking back, I accompished 3 1/2 years of temple service. Who would have thought.

 Let’s rededicate ourselves to being more of a giver, more of a server, more used in the kingdom. Let’s be more like Mitt.


Singing Time with the American Flag

LABOR DAY IS TOMORROW! It’s a perfect opportunity to do something using the American Flag! I love patriotic days where we can put the flag out front, don’t you? I LOVED especially watching the Republican Convention on TV this week. There were some very wonderful speeches made by some great Americans. Here were a few of my favorites. 

I loved Ann Romney’s speech.  She was just so REAL. And a breath of  upbeat, and positive, honest, fresh air.  I actually bow down to anybody who has raised 5 boys. I can’t imagine even how hard 4 boys is, I only had 3 boys and I about lost my mind on some days!
Ms. Rice is just so inspiring to me. She has a calm way of making you sit up and take notice of what she wants to teach you. And I always learn a lot from her. She knows her statistics, doesn’t she? 
Paul Ryan gave a great speech too. I believed him that he could help us fix the financial mess we are in. He seemed like a smart guy.  I would worry a lot less with him helping change our spending patterns. 

I loved this guy, Marco Rubio. The guy has GOT to run for President someday. He brought me to tears.
How he spoke about his parents was so moving to me. I really liked him a lot. 
 Mitt Romney’s speech made me want to give more service than I have ever done before. 

Mitt Romney’s speech made me realize how much I don’t volunteer enough, and give enough of myself in service. It made me feel guilty hearing the story of him going to a dying boy’s bedside to write him a will so he could give all his best friends his sports equipment when he died. Who would do that? What busy man do you know who would?  I felt really moved by that.

Tampa’s weeklong party got off to a rough start with threats from Isaac, but ended on a high note with Mitt Romney accepting the Republican nomination for president at the Times Forum.
Beautiful red, white and blue balloons dropping on the candidates and their families.  How fun that must have been for all of Paul Ryan’s cute little kids!  

It made me proud to be an American, listening to all the speakers from many nationalities, who were singing the praises of our country and the opportunities their families found here. So let’s do some flag waving this week for Labor Day! 

Flags waving at the convention this week. 

Using some little tiny American flags pushed into a vase or a tall cup, have children come up and pick one of the flags. Have the song numbers taped to the backs or handles of the flags. Then sing the song that was written on that flag. EASY PEASY!  

Wave the Flags for Singing Time 

Use this idea for any Patriotic holiday such as Labor Day.  Kids love to wave a flag. If you have extras you can have the child’s primary class come up and wave the flags while you sing. Check out Hobby Lobby or your local grocery store might have some flags too. 

 Sometimes right after 4th of July you can find things at Michaels and Joanne’s Crafts on clearance. I found flags for 20 cents each that way. Or you can try Oriental Trading. They always have a good deal after holidays too. Check out a dozen fabric flags for $4.50 here at Oriental Trading.

Have fun waving YOUR patriotic flags!  
bada-bing, bada-boom.


Summer Primary Singing Time- Suitcase of Songs

Summer Vacation is a fun time to go camping. So since summer is winding down now,  let’s do some fun wrap of of summer fun in Primary for singing time! Let’s pack our backpack or 
“Suitcase of Songs” to go Camping or on a summer trip for our Singing time!

Summertime Singing Time….
pack your “Suitcase of Songs!”


A book (Book of Mormon Stories)
Sandals (Teach Me to Walk in the Light)
A camera to take pictures of a temple where I was going (I Love to See the Temple)
A tooth brush (Smiles)
A comb (Saturday)
A colorful shirt (I Hope They Call Me on a Mission)
Sunglasses (Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam)
Sunscreen (Choose the Right Way)
Shorts (I’m Trying to be Like Jesus) 

Thanks for these Ideas from Sugardoodle from 2008.

Another fun summer idea could be ….

 On the chalkboard write “We Shell Sing”  and put the name of a song on each of the shells in a sand pail or bucket. 

         Singing Time “We Shell Sing” numbered shells for fun!

Or come up with your own ideas for fun, summer things we play with in the summertime that might be good to attach a song to!  


Primary Kids Singing Time August (loud and soft singing)

This idea was adapted from “The Crazy Chorister’s” post.  It is a fun idea where you have colored water that rises in a clear vase as the kids sing well. You could use a vase, a glass jar, or a clear glass pitcher… anything where the kids can see the water rising as they sing louder and better.  A tall vase or container that is thin would work the best.

Singing Time using Watercolors and Tall Vases
As the kids sing louder, you could pour more water into the vase…..just for some fun as you have to sing those songs OVER AND OVER AGAIN! 

Get some food coloring and choose a bright color to tint the water in a different container or pitcher.  Then tell the kids you are going to add water to the vase depending on how well the groups sings.  Tell them you are looking for 4 things; 1. singing the words correctly, 2. singing pretty with feeling, 3. everybody participating,  and 4.watching you while you switch signs between “sing soft” and “sing loud” so you know they are really paying attention.

Use any kind of flowers, any kind of tall, clear vase!
Tint the water 3 colors and just bring it in a tupperware container …….or as they sing softer, suck some of the water out with a turkey baster…  . 


You Could pick rainbow colors or just 2 colors and the third time mix them together! 

Then pick your first song.   You can have a few silk flowers in the vase (or paper ones on a plastic straw stem) and have somebody come up and pick flower 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.  Then have a little piece of tape sticking out of each flower or straw with the song name on it.  Then sing the song after that flower is chosen.  Then tell them what you thought; really great, so-so, or just okay, and add that much water.   Motivate them to get up to the next line and draw a line with a marker.

I would use 5 to 6 flowers with song names attached….
Colored Water in Vases Singing Time

Then pick another child to pick the next flower.  The vase will be filled with colored water by the time your singing time minutes are up.  You could try starting with yellow water and then adding red to see if it turns orange. Then add more red to turn the orange to red.  That would add to the fun and motivation!
Thanks Crazy Chorister for your ideas. It helps to have some new ones now and then doesn’t it? Keep up the good work everybody!
