Easter Primary Singing Time Resurrection Eggs

My husband and I recently attended the BYU Museum of Art Carl Bloch art exhibit. It had many religious paintings from Bloch and others called “SACRED GIFTS”. The link is HERE. It was very moving. There were many paintings of the savior during the time of his crucifixion and resurrection. It is free. Go see it if you are in Provo during the next month. My favorite was an etching done by Shwartz called “Agony in the Garden”.  The link is HERE.  It is a picture of an angel trying to comfort Christ as he prays. It moved me to tears. My husband came up to me at the end and said, “Well the best one was that one”. And he pointed to the same one I had identified.

Agony in the Garden
Frans Schwartz “Agony in the Garden” my favorite of the BYU Museum of Art “Sacred Gifts” exhibit. 
It is very reverent and quiet as you enter the museum. There are ipads and headphones where you can read and hear interpretations from art docents, apostles’ talks, and music by the Mormon Tabs as you walk around and look at each picture. It was really a wonderful date night we had last Friday. I highly recommend it. You just need to order free tickets online.

Easter Singing Time The Resurrection of Christ….the greatest event to ever take place for us….

I have SO loved this idea since getting it once in Relief Society in a lesson on the great sacrifice of our Savior and His Atonement. I have used this around the Easter dinner table in my family. I’ve used it teaching teenagers in Sunday School and in a Family Night. And I’ve reused it in primary.

Kids love object lessons. And this easter egg “signs of the Savior’s Sacrifice for us” is a great object lesson for kids and adults alike.  Every year, when I’ve taken out my little basket of eggs I’ve got a tear in my eye. I love the Savior. I believe in Him with all my heart. And I know in whom I have trusted.

Easter Primary Singing Time – If you want to hear a great talk check it out HERE.

In this chaotic life we are all a part of, it is a simple and clear walk through the steps to the Savior’s crucifiction and  resurrection, easily understood. I would try if I could to get the presidency to let you have a little extra time one of these upcoming weeks leading up to Easter.

I love this painting depicting the sacrifice our Savior made for us….

So many times we address just the “Next Lesson” in the yearly lessons at church. As a former Catholic, and a convert to the church,  I always have mixed feelings about this.  Why not recognize the greatest sacrifice ever made,  given by the greatest who ever lived among us on this Internationally celebrated holiday of Easter?  I never did get that. Try to honor the Savior on Easter. That’s my simple and heartfelt message.

Another favorite painting of mine…I’m looking for a big copy of it to put in my great room remodel…it says to me….“I will look for you  when you  are lost…even though you are odd, different, ugly, damaged”  His love for us, evident.

The eggs can be put together using this easy tutorial HERE at Serving Pink Lemonade’s blog. . Use stuff around the house to fill your eggs. Another with a LIST is HERE at scribd.com. I actually like both of them. You could do a combination of both lists. I would skip the vinegar though, yucky :D.  A third lists is here copied from Yahoo Voices.

Egg #1: (palm) Jesus rode into Jerusalem and the people waved palm branches. Matthew 21:1-11
Egg #2: (cotton ball with cologne on it) Mary poured perfume on Jesus’ feet. John 12:3
Egg #3: (bread) Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples. Matthew 26:26
Egg #4: (coins) Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Matthew 26: 14-15
Egg #5: (a thorny stick) Soldiers placed a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head. John 19:2
Egg #6: (cross made from toothpicks) Jesus carried His own cross. John 19:17
Egg #7: (dice) Soldiers took Jesus’ clothes from him and cast lots for them. John 19:24
Egg #8: (nail) Jesus was nailed to the cross. John 19:18
Egg #9: (sponge) They gave Jesus vinegar mixed with gall to drink. Matthew 27:34
Egg #10: (whole cloves) Spices are used to prepare Jesus for burial. John 19:40
Egg #11: (rock) The stone covering to Jesus’ tomb was rolled away. Matthew 28:2
Egg #12: (empty) He is not here He has risen! Matthew 28:6

I would try to use the songs in the Easter section on one Sunday as well as going over your song for the month. Some links for flipcards on good Easter songs  are HERE at Precious Primary.  1. Jesus Has Risen 70, 2. Hosanna 66, Beautiful Savior 62 To Think About Jesus 71, etc. HERE  is a flipchart on He Sent His Son at Sugardoodle. Pick a child to come up and choose an egg. Read the scripture inside and show what object is inside and explain what part it played in the Easter story. It is usually a very quiet and reverent time, you will see. It may be your favorite thing you ever do in primary.

This picture is from another bogger Beyond Sippy Cups HERE.

I would also include the list of items in a copied off piece of paper to send home with the kids after primary and tell them they can make up their own dozen eggs with help from parents and redo it in their own family night. I loved getting this for my family and I would encourage any primary leaders to do the same. It has made a big difference in my life and my family’s too I believe.

sidewalk chalking  & egg dyeing

And don’t forget to color eggs and get some sidewalk chalk for Easter! One of life’s fun memory makers if you have kids or grandkids of any age! Happy Easter! 


Primary Singing Time Bingo

I have done bingo for lots of the seasons. A cute one for EASTER is HERE at Family Crafts. It is free and printable. Woo Hoo! I love me a freebie!  I’m gonna be spending a lot of moolah on my classroom kids for our Easter Egg Hunt this year since I have 30 kiddos! It’s a good time to get those cute plastic eggs too. You can put questions inside them. Then have kids come up, pick an egg, and answer an easter question. Then they can put a marker on the Easter Bingo Board.  Class that gets 5 in a row gets a basket of treats. I’d do just a bag of jelly beans or something like that. But I’m a cheapster! lol.

Printable Easter Bingo Cards
Free Easter Bingo Game that is Printable! 

For Christmas I do J-E-S-U-S , and for Easter I do BIBLE and for Thanksgiving we do T-H-A-N-K-S.  Just make up some clip art pictures of 16 OR 9 OR 25 items that have to do with the season. Then I cover each of the pictures with just colored paper squares or wrapping paper squares. Then put a number on each square that covers each picture.

Christmas Bingo Game – Make your own BIG ONE!

A FREE downloadable bingo card from DTK for Kids is fun and easy to do. The link is HERE. It will give you ideas for every holiday under the sun. And if you have a color printer it will be CUTE TOO! That’s always high on my list. hehe.  They have a Bible bingo that might work too. I copied the calling cards printables and the link is HERE. Just peruse their topics, decide if you want pictures or words (vocabulary option) and then PRINT! I use them a lot in my classroom for theme days too.

I have pocket charts from my classroom so that is an easy way to put the pictures up. Another is to put a little piece of magnet on them. Our primary chalkboard is magnetized. You can get small circular magnets from Roberts or Michaels for a few dollars. They will last you a long time too and are very convenient for putting posters and stuff up on the board.

Fun Spring Bingo Games – choose 9, 16 or 25 spots

 Then we choose a child to come up and I will ask a gospel question or a “finish this line” in one of our new or presentation songs.  If they guess the answer a gospel or music question they turn over that number on the bingo board.  Object is to try to get a whole class bingo 4 or 5 in a row. Or you could make it easier and just do 3 in a row and have 15 pictures or phrases covered up. They have cute holiday and seasons bingo pictures that would be cute to make up for holidays. You ask the questions.

Easter Bingo Game

Then sing a song.  Or pick 2 children and questions then sing a song.   You should be able to pick about 8 or 9 kids and hopefully get a bingo even  if you have a huge primary. Have fun with it!


St. Patrick’s Day Singing Time

For St. Patrick’s Day Singing Time this year, you could add a bunch of leprechauns or shamrocks for cute decorations and put song titles on the backs of them. Kids love leprechauns. Or you could play hide the leprechaun and sing loud or soft (when kids are getting Hot and Cold near the leprechaun) . Send somebody out from one of the older classes while you hide it.

For singing time in March I’d use some leprechauns and some pots of gold and RAINBOWS! You could have the kids pick a colored strip of 6 different colors with a song on the back. Then they can add it to the top of the “POT OF GOLD”.(just a black paper pot taped up on the board). By the time you have sung 6 songs, you’ll have a RAINBOW! I would just do straight strips because it is easier. Then a straight rainbow will be coming out of the pot.

Well, the Irish holiday of St. Patrick’s Day almost upon us…..I decorated a bit at the house.

I love the cute little leprechaun my class made a few years ago out of empty lamination rolls….they were cute! And look at that awesome tablecloth I actually sewed myself! Yeah, I rock just a little bit on that machine. lol.  
Some of my favorite March St. Patrick’s Day story books I read to the kiddos in elementary. 
My classroom Calendar bulletin board….I change it out every month to match a holiday or the season. 

 I love the holiday full of rainbows. I taught the kids all about ROY G. BIV. That is the clown who reminds us of the rainbow color order.  Red, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. I just mix up indigo and violet and call it purple instead. Then they do a pot of gold with a 1 inch x 12 inch strip of each of the 6 colors and glue them on the back of a pot. We add fake coins glittered to the top.

We made Leprechauns, March Book Reports and some Leprechaun similes and pots of gold. 

Then when they come back in pick a song, have kids sing louder when they get “hot” or close to the leprechaun, and sing softer or slower when they get far away or “cold”.

This is a great way to practice over and over a song they need a little practice on before the presentation. Have fun with leprechauns!

My classroom St. Patrick’s Day Bulletin Board we just finished today at school. I love how it turned out with all these pots of gold and Leprechauns! 

My front entry room table decorated up with St. Patrick’s Holiday stuff. 
And in the meantime, here are some of the things I’ve been up to. Do you get the idea I’m IRISH? Well I am. My name is Pattie for heaven’s sake! I used to be a Russell. My grandparents on both sides are Irish and Scottish. I can’t help myself!  
I love this picture of 2 of my granddaughters from Chuck E. Cheese of all places!
I love this story The Luckiest Leprechaun! 
Coffee Table with Happy St. Patrick’s Day decor at my house. 

I love this holiday. It is fun to get out all the green stuff for March. I’m glad  we get a whole month to enjoy the Irish stuff. Kiss me I’m Irish!
