Why Doesn’t Anybody Ever Comment?

I have been blogging for 5 years. I have done this blog pretty much because I love music and wanted to give back something because of all the time I’ve spent as a primary chorister. Probably about 8 years if not more, truth be told.

My Easter Decorations at home are starting today…..It is looking good here….but not on my blog. It is sad on my blog. 

There’s just one thing. Nobody ever comments. It has been 5 months since anybody has made a comment. It is disheartening.

Daffodils are starting to come up! 

 I wish there were some who read my ideas who could leave a thought, a thanks, a comment…..just once in awhile.

First Day of Spring today.  Tulips are just erupting around here. 

I count the hundreds of people who look at my blog daily. I know you are visiting. Why the heck not leave a note? It is the bloggy way to be polite for heck’s sake! Don’t just be a taker. Be a person. Leave a comment! Geez!


8 thoughts on “Why Doesn’t Anybody Ever Comment?”

  1. Hello. A long time ago on my family's blog I said the same thing, and still no one commented. I do not understand it either. Your ideas are great! Fun things and photos and ideas. IT is just what happens. Most people Facebook now, I think, and they do all their commenting there. Hitting another button and having to wait for another page to load, maybe it is just too much for some people. But those primary people out there appreciate your ideas and insight. Thank you

  2. Thanks Rob. At least I know somebody out there reads and responds. It makes it a TON more fun. I'm very active on Facebook, and I do get lots of comments there, at least. 😀 Thanks for taking the time.

  3. I hardly ever get comments either. I understand. And as the previous commenter stated: it can be hard to leave a comment on blogger sometimes. There has been more than once that I tried to leave a comment just for the comment as: function not operate and your comment is gone and even if you try again, the "please prove you are not a robot" section doesn't work. It can be quite frustrating. I can try to comment and after one failed attempt, I usually just give up. Your blog is adorable. Thanks for your hard work!

  4. Hi! I must confess that I also have had trouble trying to comment on other blogs. So I gave up… I tried to comment right now and it actually just disappeared! I'm still a rookie when it comes to blogs. I might have clicked the wrong thing. But anyway, I love your blog so much! It's one My top five favorites. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with everyone! I have been the primary chorister for about three years in a spanish speaking ward and your ideas help me brainstorm and help take the stress that I sometimes have from trying to translate plus coming up with something interesting, so again thank you! You really have a great talent!

  5. Thank you Monique and Laura. I had no idea it was hard to comment. I guess when you blog a lot you know the ins and outs of it all. Thanks for taking the time. It does make a difference to little ole me. And thanks for letting me know it helps somebody out there. You all made my day.

  6. Colossians 3:23-24 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

  7. Yeah. That is easier to remember the first blogging year than it is the 5th blogging year. No man is a rock or an island. (Pattieism). We all need people and the communicative back and forth to move on happily. Thanks all.

  8. Hi Pattie. I ran across your blog for the first time today as I was searching for ideas for a Ward Christmas program. Yes, I'm starting early 🙂 I love all the color to your blog and how your heart really shows through all you do. Thank you for taking the time to blog and share your creativity with others. It's a blessing to us who need good ideas! Have a super weekend!!

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