March Singing Time and St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is coming up SOON! 
This is one my favorite months of the year. My family were all IRISH! And my mom was an Irish Catholic. We REALLY celebrated St. Patrick’s Day every year. I remember dinners where she would actually give us kids a bit of wine with 7 up to toast to some of her favorite SAINTS. 
Those are happy memories of sitting in the formal dining room with my 5 siblings cracking jokes and eating yummy food. I love St. Patrick’s DAY!  
I don’t have very many decorations for it but I always do at least my entry table and my dining room table in honor of my mother and her love of St. Patrick’s Day.  I also decorate my classroom in Shamrocks, leprechauns and GREEN, glittery stuff and of course GOLD wrapped chocolates! 

So in honor of the Saints all over the world who are do gooders for others I’d cut out a bunch of Shamrocks in Green and add some ROLO candies or Golden Hersheys’s Kisses and write all the songs behind shamrocks. 

Use a few St. Patrick’s Day decorations to have a LUCKY singing time.

Then come up with some fun questions to ask and the correct answers get a piece of “gold” from your POT OF GOLD (a black container with gold wrapped candy inside). The kids will love it!

 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Have the LUCK of the IRISH this March Singing Time!


IN HONOR OF DR. SEUSS….Bring in your Dr. Seuss Hat to Primary to choose songs OUT OF THE CAT IN THE HAT’S HAT for tomorrow! The kids would LOVE it if you dressed up like Thing 1 or Thing 2! 

Photo: I love the annual tradition of reading with Thing One on Dr. Seuss birthday. The second graders at Willow Springs get pizza on me since I tripped up on my speed read of Fox in Socks. The tweedle beetle battle gets me every time.

Here’s my old principal dressed up as Thing 1…super cute! I think I may try to dress
up in a “FOX IN SOX” outfit.  Ya think it’s too cheesy? Yeah, maybe so. I’m not a fox who am I kidding?

And I did these “THING 1 HANDPRINTS” in my classroom. Super cute, right? The kids LOVE DR. SEUSS stuff anytime! 

Now TODAY, MARCH 2ND  is Dr. Seuss Day and in my classroom we will celebrate it next week. But you could honor him tomorrow during singing time.

You could do some fun things hiding things in a  ‘CAT IN THE HAT HAT!” maybe like song titles? 

One fish…two fish…red fish…blue fish….
OR….you could have some “guess how many red fish in the cup?” and the kids who get closest can pick the song. You could have some red fish, and blue fish in baby food jars or little clear cups.

Or just put the songs behind some CAT IN THE HAT HATS. There are stickers all over the craft stores in honor of Dr. Seuss. Or just make some using markers on  striped hats you draw.

SOOOOO……bring your Dr.Seuss HAT into primary and put the songs in the hat and . Or you could tape them on hats on a board.. have some FUN THAT IS FUNNY!
 Dr. Seuss Rocks.

February Chorister Ideas ONE IN A MILLION SONG

HERE is a beautiful flipchart of the new song ONE IN A MILLION. It has beautiful pictures to go along with the words, and so colorful, I LOVE IT! But NOT as much as I love my new grandbaby! She’s a cutie isn’t she? Here she is in her Valentines Day outfit.

 Another shout out goes to my sister-in-law Robin who just got released from being Primary Chorister after 7 YEARS! 7 YEARS PEOPLE!! She is awesome! She’s one in a million. I don’t know anybody whose had the calling as long as that and still loved it immensely.

She’s One in a Million, isn’t she?

Well, the new song One in a Million also reminds me of 20 years ago at a halftime show in Los Angeles California where Michael Jackson did the Super Bowl. 3 of my kids were in it. It was a big event in their lives. They were a part of a children’s choir that got asked to do a lot of Hollywood events, movies and were on record recordings as background singers occasionally.  The song they did was called “We Are The World, We Are The Children”.

My 3 kids were the Ireland boy in the green beanie (Devin 8) The Dutch Girl with the weird white (flying nun looking) hat (Tiffany 12) and the Black, fuzzy Russian hat and red shirt boy (Jeff 10). They are all to MJ’s right about 5 kids over once everybody is onstage.

Songs like these really bring people together of every culture. I raised my children in Long Beach, California which was a port city where boats from all over the world docked with new immigrants and refugees coming to America to look for a better life. Yup. That’s why America is still the best place on earth to live. We are so lucky here. We are the world melting pot.

One in a Million is my new fav song.Check it out HERE to hear how it sounds. The kids will love singing it. Click HERE for Sheet Music. HERE is the flipchart.

I’d sing it using Flags from around the world. You could put song names behind the other flags along with this song. Or you could use pictures of different kids dressed in different costumes from around the world and tape them up on the chalkboard and have kids pick the pictures. Have fun with this awesome new song!

Valentines Day Singing Time Fun

Valentines Day is next week. So how about a fun Singing time using heart shaped balloons with songs  inside! Kids could come up and POP THE BALLOON! They LOVE doing that!

I would go over to Hobby Lobby or Michaels and look for some heart shaped balloons for this week. Or just 7 or 8  red balloons will do in the 9 or 10 inch size.  Then I would put  7 songs on little strips of paper and roll them up inside each of the balloons.

Then tape them to a wall or chalkboard before the kids all come in.  You could write a big number on the outside or just leave them blank.

Here’s my little Valentines with me at the Petting Zoo at Thanksgiving Point. 
Ain’t she cute?  
Feeding the goats…..priceless! 

Then tell the kids for Valentines Day coming up you wanted to play “pop the balloon” with them.  Sing the assigned song and tell them you are going to be looking for the best singer to pick to come up and pop the balloon for the next song choice.

I’d try to get some heart shaped ones from Roberts Crafts, Micheals or Hobby Lobby….

Then they will undoubtedly sing their little hearts out for you.  It’s so cute how easy it is to motivate kids.
Then pick out your first “contestant”.  They can come up and get a big pin from you for popping.

They might even be more fun in a variety of pink and red colors….
These balloons from Oriental Trading can be found HERE for 144 balloons.

 Make a big deal about maybe counting down from 5, to 4, to 3, 2, 1 Let er RIP!  Then watch the fun.

And you’ll have your next song to sing.  Tell them once again you will be looking for the best singer to pop the next balloon.  The balloons will cost you about 20 cents each depending on where you go.  I know Roberts Crafts has balloons too and you might find some cute Valentine ones to put in between the plain red ones for variety.
Balloon Pop Gift Wrap
Happy POPPING!  And Happy Valentines Day! Check out my cute decorations I finally got up around the house  HERE  I love Valentines Day.

Let’s Go Fishing for Songs

I found a cute website that had some downloadable “fish” for you to make your “fishing for songs game. It is at this LINK HERE.  You could then get a dowel and a magnet and some string and make a fishing pole for your primary kids to “fish for a songfish”.  She has other free printable animals too. It’s a fun site.

It’s been a colder Utah than I ever remember. And as a teacher, my kids have had to stay inside the classroom with no outside recess or lunchtime play for 3 WEEKS!  It’s been SO CRAZY!  It makes it hard on teachers as well as the students. So making learning a fun game really helps keep them active but still, you know…..with a lid on it. 😀

Meet the Dubiens blogger Jill Dubien made up this fishing pole with real twigs.
 Her Blog tutorial for a cool magnet Fishing Pole  for Primary is HERE.

Fishing Pole and Fish for Singing Time

Here is my homemade fish and Fishing Pole to go  Fishing for Primary Singing Time songs
The kids love to come up and use the dowel with string and a round magnet  tied onto the end. Then the laminated fish of every kind have large paper clips on them. The kids “GO FISHING FOR SONGS” to try to get the magnet to attach on to the metal paper clips and they have “caught” a fish. They love watching each other try to fish.
Or if you are not crafty just use one of these magnet puzzles or magnetic fishing rods.

Here I am demonstrating my dowel and how to use the FISHING POLE FOR PRIMARY SINGING TIME. Everybody always wants a turn!
Fishing for Songs for Primary Singing Time
Remember to write the song names on the back in NON permanent marker so they are easily wiped off  for using again!

Well….I look back at this picture of us playing at the lake last summer and it makes me very homesick for warm days at our cabin. When will this snow let up I ask you??? I don’t think I’m a winter person. What do YOU think?

Grandpa with little Megan

Well, during the winter that won’t quit here in Utah, I dream of summer days at the lake, like this one. And I look forward to one warm day to happen. Hey, there’s always HOPE!   Here’s to the 4 beautiful seasons, including snowman season……

I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me Primary Song

I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me….
This is one of my favorite primary songs. It was sung by friends of mine at my Baptism in 4 part harmony when I was a new convert at age 18. Here is a PDF downloadable document with artwork that you can get a head start on teaching a really beautiful song this week. I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me is the song title. It is in my top 5 of Primary Songs.

I love this hike close to my house in Utah; it’s Bell Canyon Reservoir….hiking with my hubs….

I remember when I was living in Salt Lake City going to school and going to church at one of the student wards and activities at the Salt Lake Institute. I was the Sunday School Chorister in my student ward. I had visual aids for this song (a rose, a piece of a lilac bush, a picture of a bird etc.) and I had the last row of the chapel all come up and hold my pictures. I read the scripture “And the last shall be first and the first last”.

Enjoying the beauties of nature on a Utah hike…..

It was so funny. Having to get up in front of everyone to help sing and teach a song was kind of embarrasing for those young adults. But Everybody laughed and sang with gusto. It is one of those kinds of songs that just brings in the spirit so quickly too. Maybe that’s why it is one of my all time favorites.  We should sing more song of gratitude to our Lord, for all the beauties of nature that he created just for our joy and enjoyment.

Hiking Bell Canyon Reservoir in October with the hubs…

Another flip chart that has black and white icons for coloring is HERE at Sugardoodle done by Ann Clements. If you would rather do it on sticks another bunch of clip art can be found at which was created by Amy Snyder.

Me on a picnic in Provo Canyon’s Vivian Park with my family. 

  Or you can do what I did and just use a silk rose, a fake bird, a picture of a blue sky, or the word sky, etc. It would be easy to assemble all the different things in the song; a picture of the Savior at the end.


 I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me…one of my favorite Primary Songs.

The second verse is easy, eyes, ears, mind and heart, just point to those parts of your body. And for butterfly wings I just used my fingers intertwined and wiggling like a butterfly flying.

A beautiful butterfly on a lilac bush…..

I have been in awe of the beautiful lacy trees covered in snow lately here in  cold Utah. But I also have been dreaming of boating on the nice warm lake too in those lazy summer days of flowers and butterflies. Thank heavens for ALL the seasons we enjoy! And Have a fun week! And enjoy all this wonderful snowy weather we are having. I think the world is so beautiful right now!

Singing Time IDEAS 2013

Well I just got a new calling as the Sunday School teacher for the 17 year olds or seniors. I think that will be really fun and rewarding. I hope it won’t be too challenging!! Little kids are in some ways easier to keep involved in the lessons.

I pull sticks out of the can to be sure each child has a chance to come up and participate in the singing time games….

I will still post on this blog though. I think I’ve covered many of the things I used to do for singing time, but not all. And I will post as long as I am inspired to do so. I think there are a few important things I’d like to reiterate though; and they are all important as we start a new year.

I use lots of these kinds of things on sticks so I can call on kids to come up and help me lead the singing in fun ways….

We hold about 8 of these up around the room while singing “I am Like a Star Shining Brightly” as everybody  does the hand motions opening and closing their fingers like blinking stars.

I teach school and my motto has always been; if I’m bored, the kids are going to be bored too. Don’t be boring. Do fun activities along with teaching the songs. I hope I never got stale. I always wanted to do fresh, fun things to get the kids involved.

Try a game of Going Fishing using each fish as a song (list songs in washable marker on the back) or you could use them to write small questions and tape them to the backs of the laminated fish. The pole is just a dowel with string and magnet.

The other thing is to always bring the spirit into the singing time. The songs most often do it themselves. But I always taught lessons along with the songs. I would bear my testimony about my work in the temple. I would tell the kids about how important it is to include others and be nice at school with stories of things I had seen that made me sad.

I have made dozens of these kinds of things where you pull a string on the back and the thing grows, or goes up as they do a great job singing…..they are always delightful fun. Try a rocket blasting off, a thermometer going up in red, etc. 

I encouraged them all the time that they could make a difference in their own families by instigating kindness  or exhibiting helpfulness to their siblings and parents.

You can’t tell from this picture but the red tongue goes up as the kids sing louder or better. It is a funny one with the furry red head of hair on Lester. 

I would try to repeat things that were spoken about in the sharing time lessons when I had inspirations. The singing time is primarily a teaching time. So make it so.

I use lots of pictures and visual aids to go with all my songs. My favorite method to teach a new song is finding a flip book from Sugardoodle with words to go with pictures. 

If you’d like to start out the new year with a few cute conducting ideas to keep the kids learning and interested, check out these posts by some music experts in the trenches of Primary Music. Teaching kids how to conduct is always fun too. And if you don’t know how, just read some expert blogs and copy them!

Here are a few ideas on leading singing from some experts in the field…..

Leading Sticks by Brooke Wakefield on Sugardoodle
It’s All in the Hands by Ali Katherman on Sugardoodle
A Conducting Wand on Sugardoodle
Conducting Elephant by Tifany Hoecherl on Sugardoodle

Getting Ready for a Wonderful New Year!  Sitting down to set some new goals since I have 2 weeks off from teaching school starting tomorrow!  Yippee!  Happy Holidays!

Once There Was a Snowman Singing Time

Well, it’s about time we had a snowstorm in Utah.  So let’s get prepared to sing some fun songs about Winter. It is around the corner.  And let’s do some snowball activities too! That is always fun for the kids!

Here’s a Link for Ping Pong Balls. These would make fine snowballs…..

  My sister-in-law also gave me a fun idea to do after the primary presentation when the pressure is kind of off to do the required songs, and you have more freedom to do some new tunes.

You could also use styrofoam balls for snowballs…..

Give each of the kids a piece of white scratch paper. It could have stuff on the back, nothing fancy. Then tell them to write their favorite primary song on it and crumple it up. Then tell them it’s their once a year time when they can pelt you with snowballs! Yipee! They will love that.

Juggle your snowballs using old white socks tied in a knot or white marshmallows…giant sized! 

One class at a time can go and throw the snowballs at you. Then you reach down and pick one up! Whoever’s snowball it is you will then sing their favorite song however you want to. Maybe they could try to “juggle” 3 snowballs while you get everyone to sing. (these could be white beanbags made with old white socks filled with rice or dried beans or popcorn, then tied in a fat knot and cut off. OR they could be some of those giant marshmallows they sell for a dollar at the market!  Or you could use ping pong balls. They are only a few buck at Walmart or Target in the sporting goods section. That is always fun! Or white whiffle balls would work great too. I’ve bought sets of 4 of those for a dollar at the Dollar store.

Whiffle balls could also be white snowballs! 

I thought you could be prepared with a fun little song taken from Primary-to-Go. Let’s do a fun rendition of Popcorn Popping called “Snowflakes Falling”

 Popcorn Popping with a little WINTER TWIST!  

Snowflakes Falling on the Evergreen Trees…..

(Put your hands in round circles like binoculars around your eyes)

(wiggle fingers from high to down low like snow falling)

(close both fists, then flick them open on surprise)

(wiggle your fingers above your head and pass in front of your face)

(motions of making a snowball with both cupped hands)

(motion your arms to make the outline of a 3 circled snowman)

(nod yes, at the same time you  point to your smiling face)

(wiggle your fingers from high to down low like snow falling).

Once There Was a Snowman…

Here are the guitar or autoharp chords if you want to play them instead of piano.  Use the xylophone above to get the kids to come up and play notes to the beat as you all sing. That is always motivating! 

  Another good song is Once There Was a Once There was a Snowman. Link to my post with pictures I did last winter.  Snowman Link. I made this above last winter. It’s made from an old sheet. I choose a child to come up and scrunch down really little with it in their hands. Then when we sing tall, tall, tall, they make it grow. When it melts then the opposite of course. They let the snowman shrink back to a puddle again.

Have some fun when the weather changes again! In the meantime I’m gettin my new winter coat ready!

December Singing Time

It’s time to get ready for singing a Christmas Song for Sacrament Meeting. This is always easy and fun. I usually pick Christmas Bells Are Ringing because it it sooooooooo easy to teach and it is pretty.  Everybody learns it really fast.  Then you have to pick another one that can be sung with it and this one will take most of your time.

“Christmas Bells are Ringing…Here What They Say to You….Jesus is Born…In Bethlehem…”

A PDF flip chart for Christmas Bells is HERE at Sugardoodle.  

Picture a Christmas is my favorite.  It is such a pretty song and the words sing of all the cast of characters in the Manger scene. So it is fun to get a children’s type of manger to use and have kids hold up that icon as we sing about them.  Another idea I’ve done in the past is to have the kids pass out the manger scene before the song and as we sing about the shepherds, or the angels, the child holding them come up and put them in the manger scene. By the time the song has been sung, the whole scene is back in place.

A PDF flip chart for Picture a Christmas is HERE at Sugardoodle.

It is also a great way to help kids remember what comes next in the song…..they are looking at the little pieces of the manger scene to help them remember the words.

This would be a perfect nativity to sing the song ” Picture a Christ mas”  with.

Another one that I’ve done in the past is very easy; Away in a Manger.  I think it is so familiar to them you won’t have any problems getting it memorized in a few weeks to perform in Sacrament Meeting.

When Joseph went to Bethlehem
I think he took great care
To place his tools and close his shop
And leave no shavings there.

He urged the donkey forward,
Then, with Mary on its back,
And carried bread and goat cheese
In a little linen sack.

I think there at the busy inn
That he was meek and mild
And awed to be the guardian
Of Mary’s sacred Child.

Perhaps all through the chilly hours
He smoothed the swaddling bands,
And Jesus felt the quiet strength of
Joseph’s gentle hands.

And close beside the manger bed
He dimmed the lantern’s light,
And held the little Jesus close upon
That holy night.

Image Joseph and Mary
Joseph and Mary at the birth….”and awed to be the guardian of Mary’s sacred child”

A harder Christmas song is When Joseph Went to Bethlehem.  It’s harder because of the vocabulary. But it is a sweet song most kids will always remember because it tells the story from Joseph’s viewpoint. It is sweet and tender and one of my personal favorites.  A beautiful PDF document with pictures can be found at Jolly Jenn. The link is HERE at Jolly Jenn.

“Sing Praise to Him….remember HIM as we picture Christmas this year! “

 I would get started with these songs now so you will be ready to sing them possibly the week before Christmas, since the ward choir will probably be doing the music on Christmas Day.  Then the next few weeks you will have some songs to practice for, before starting all over again with presentation songs!

November Primary Chorister Ideas

Next year the Primary Presentation includes one of my favorite songs. It was sung by friends of mine at my Baptism in 4 part harmony when I was a new convert at age 18.It was arranged by a hugely talented friend of mine named Mark Adams. And it was sung by friends of mine named Winn Claybaugh, Colleen Shields, Greg McDougle and Cyndie Farish. they are all still good friends of mine.  Here is a PDF downloadable document with artwork that you can get a head start on teaching this week. I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me is the song title. It is in my top 5 of Primary Songs.

I love this hike close to my house in Utah; it’s Bell Canyon Reservoir….hiking with my hubs….reminds me of all the beauties of nature created for me to love and enjoy in my life. How often do I take them for granted? Yeah. I do. 

I remember when I was living in Salt Lake City going to school and going to church at one of the student wards and activities at the Salt Lake Institute. I was the Sunday School Chorister in my student ward. I had visual aids for this song (a rose, a piece of a lilac bush, a picture of a bird etc.) and I had the last row of the chapel all come up and hold my pictures. I read the scripture “And the last shall be first and the first last”.

Enjoying the beauties of nature on a Utah hike…..

It was so funny. Having to get up in front of everyone to help sing and teach a song was kind of embarrasing for those young adults. But Everybody laughed and sang with gusto. It is one of those kinds of songs that just brings in the spirit so quickly too. Maybe that’s why it is one of my all time favorites. I think it is an excellent choice. We should sing more song of gratitude to our Lord, for all the beauties of nature that he created just for our joy and enjoyment.

Hiking Bell Canyon Reservoir in October with the hubs…Seeing all this beauty reminds me of this song “I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me”. Why else would he create such beauty for us to enjoy? 

Another flip chart that has black and white icons for coloring is HERE at Sugardoodle done by Ann Clements. If you would rather do it on sticks another bunch of clip art can be found at which was created by Amy Snyder.

Me on a picnic in Provo Canyon’s Vivian Park with my family. 

  Or you can do what I did and just use a silk rose, a fake bird, a picture of a blue sky, or the word sky, etc. It would be easy to assemble all the different things in the song; a picture of the Savior at the end.

A beautiful video on youtube of the song to listen to or show the kids (lyrics included).

Beautiful painting of the savior by Greg Olsen.  You could show pictures of the savior while learning the song too. 

The second verse is easy, eyes, ears, mind and heart, just point to those parts of your body. And for butterfly wings I just used my fingers intertwined and wiggling like a butterfly flying.

A beautiful butterfly on a lilac bush…..

Have a fun week! And enjoy all this wonderful Fall weather we are having. I think the world is so beautiful right now!