I’m Trying To Be Like Jesus

I was so inspired from hearing from members of the church speak about Mitt Romney at the Republican National Convention. He must have been such a wonderful bishop to these people who spoke. 

It made me realize how much I’m not doing my best to be a servant and a tool for the Lord. I could do better. I loved hearing how he would visit in the hospital to people in his congregation and bless their lives in small ways. Or bring in a turkey dinner to a family in need. Or write up a will for a little boy dying in the hospital so he could give away all his worldly goods to his friends.

Ward members who were served by Bishop Mitt Romney…

I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus has always been one of my favorite songs. It is the last song to be learned in the Presentation. How lucky is that? Kids and adults alike love hearing and singing this song. We all try to be like Him, but we all fall so short.

How hard am I trying to BE LIKE HIM?  I could do much better. 

I remember directing the singing in a Stake Primary Choir when I was in my 30s. I had been called to be the Stake Primary President. It was one of my all-time favorite callings. It was so joyful and moving for me, thinking back on directing that choir in Long Beach Stake, filled with an International little congregation of children from all parts of the world.

My choir did not have costumes, just lots of different faces. 

And they sang their little hearts out. Have you ever heard groups of Samoan and Tongan children sing? They can give any children’s choir the boost of volume it needs!  That is for sure. I loved those little children in my stake so much.

I loved the children in Primary and I still do. 

We challenged them that year to read the Book of Mormon with their parents and families. I remember painting one foot high Strippling Warriors with the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of truth, and  feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. What happened to my zeal in serving lately? I used to do so much. Now I barely do the minimum.  I think we just forget to be valiant. We forget to plan and prepare and set goals and make appointments for things we want to accomplish.

Men's Missionary Towel
I want to improve in my goal to serve more valiantly. 

This week at school I was asked to write 2 technology goals for me personally. I have noticed how much better I’ve become at technology in the last 5 years of being a teacher. And it is only because we are FORCED TO SET GOALS. I am NOT, by any stretch a technologically inclined person. But it is because I HAVE to learn it, that I do. Why can’t I be that way in completing my genealogy? Why can’t I be that way in my visiting teaching? Or reading my scriptures and doing some in depth gospel study on some topic that interests me? Because I don’t have to. It’s as simple and sad as that.

Luke 2:52-Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man-christian scripture necklace
We can all improve line upon line, and grow in gospel knowledge, recommit to a life of service and in being honest in all our dealings, my own favorite weakness. 

In singing this song, I am reminded what I am about here in this life. I am here to TRY to BE LIKE HIM.  And one way that I have found that helps, is setting small goals and working every single WEEK to accomplish a small part of the goal. Eating the elephant one bite at a time is my slogan. I see my progress in small, imperceptible to others steps and bits.

I remember how hard it was some Fridays to serve as a temple ordinance worker while I was working fulltime. I did it for 3 1/2 years. How did I do that? Well, just serving once a week is like eating the elephant one bite at a time. I just got myself there. Sometimes I had a run in my white nylons. Sometimes My dress was not as ironed as it should have been. But I would just get myself there, and the rest took care of itself. It was a weekly goal. And looking back, I accompished 3 1/2 years of temple service. Who would have thought.

 Let’s rededicate ourselves to being more of a giver, more of a server, more used in the kingdom. Let’s be more like Mitt.


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