General Conference Activities for Kids

I’ve been a slacker. I have gotten back into school (my day job) and we have lots of brand new core curriculum to cover and it has taken all my time getting used to it. So I haven’t had time to blog as much. Plus we had our grandkids last weekend, and, well, that took all my time, literally!

We got them some cute little pool squirt guns they got Grandpa pretty good with in the jacuzzi! 
Here I come grandpa! Gotcha!! 
Meg loves “swimming” in our jacuzzi….she thinks she needs to use the goggles and she likes
to splash around A LOT! :O
A cute coloring page for the song is HERE.  This would be fun for kids to color.
We took them to the State Fair, McDonalds, Swimming and to the park and Cafe Rio. We were all pooped by the end of the weekend!

This week is not only my birthday on October 1st, but it is General Conference. I’m going to put all kinds of resources on this blog post that you could download and copy to give the kids to help them watch conference and enjoy it at the same time.

General Conference games are great to give out in Primary the week before General Conference!

 You could show them a conference Bingo card and maybe do a few of the squares linking them to a song with that word in it as you sing a range of songs. Have 2 colors of bingo chips (red for girls, blue for boys) and have a little competition throughout the 20 minutes of singing time to see how many words kids can hear and raise their hand to go cover with the “chips” which could just be colored circles of paper.

Here is Conference Bingo

Another song by Steven Perry and words by Brad Wilcox and it’s HERE copied from The Friend Magazine. Here is the first verse….

1. Of all the Sundays of the year,
the ones I love the best
are conf’rence Sundays twice a year,
so diff’rent from the rest.
I gather with my family
and feel the Spirit near
as I prepare to understand
the messages I hear.

Sing President Monson’s favorite Primary Song, “Give Said the Little Stream”. 

One bunch is from the church website. The link is HERE at There is a Bingo game for words that you hear in talks, a bunch of coloring pages, and some journaling pages to write in and color.

High Fiving Thomas S. on Temple Square… new Fav picture….  Here’s to a high 5 year….Let’s have one!  

You could also sing one of President Monson’s favorite Primary songs! In his autobiography he said that he enjoyed singing “Give Said the Little Stream”. That’s one even the sunbeams can sing!
Here is some additional verses to the song that were written by Kimball Brown. 

Give Said the Little Stream
Additional lyrics: Kimball Brown
Lead: Ben Haacke

Give said the little stream
Give, oh give
Give, oh give
Give said the little stream
As it hurried down the hill
I’m small I know but wherever I go
The grass grows greener still
Give said the little rain
Give, oh give
Give, oh give
Give said the little rain
As it fell upon the flowers
I’ll raise their weary heads again
As it fell upon the flowers
Singing, singing all the day
Give away, oh give away
Singing, singing all the day
Give, oh give away

The Sunday before General Conference is a great time to do President Monson’s favorite Primary song! 

Give what is in your heart
Give away, Give away
Give what is in your heart
And your heart will ever live
Laugh when you’re filled with joy
Laugh away, laugh away
Laugh when you’re filled with joy
For laughing’s giving too
Give all you’ve got to give
Give away, give away
Give all you’ve got to give
Sing when your heart is full
Sing away, sing away
Sing when your heart is full
For singing’s giving too

Another packet can be printed out from Sugardoodle. The link is HERE at Sugardoodle.
Lots of activities can be found at Sugardoodle website for General Conference. 
Fall Pumpkin General Conference Activity….just color each section of pumpkin that you hear that word in one of the talks! Very fun and educational too!
A cute activity for elementary age kids would be this one. They listen to the talks with you, then color the sections of the fall pumpkins that have that word written that they just heard in a talk. It helps them to get something from conference by listening to the speakers with a little more attention! What an excellent idea from A Little Tipsy’s website.
Love these dudes! And I’m looking forward to General Conference in a week!  

One thing they can do is try to copy down all the new temples that are announced to be built and where they will be built. Then you could do a neat singing time next week on the 14th of October on all the primary songs about temples and then do a little quiz about how many temples were announced and where they are being built! That would be a GREAT AND FUN CHALLENGE FOR KIDS!

September Singing Time

Well, everybody is probably getting close to doing their Primary Presentations this month. So it is a month of review, review review. Here are a few of my favorite ways to have kids practice songs over and over that don’t get them TOO awfully bored.

1.  I use fun charts like this with the songs so they see the “spider walk up the flower” when they are singing really nicely!

September Singing Time

2. Have a child go out  of the room and hide a small object like a button. When they come in start the song and sing loud if they get close to the button and sing softly when they get far away from the button. Kids will be able to find the button eventually depending on how the song is sung. (hopefully)

Find the Button Game for September Singing Time

3. Each class stands up and sings a line of the song. Assign each class to a line of the song in some kind of order so they know who is doing first line, 2nd line etc. Then just point to the class and they stand and sing on the proper point cue. It’s fun to go over songs fast this way.

4. If you use the flip chart method to teach the song, just put up a few of the flip charts and cover up several of the words in each chart so kids are singing lines by themselves. This is great practice.

5. Have some kids come up and hula hoop during the songs (maybe 3 kids and hoops) and as they wind down and drop the hoop they just freeze till the song is over. Then they go pick 3 more people to try and hula hoop to the end of the song. Some kids will actually be able to do it!

Hula Hoop for Singing Time

6. Choose a leader. They are like the pied piper. You can call them that if you want. They get to walk around the entire primary picking people as you sing the song to come along behind them and follow them. We used to do this for Follow the Prophet, but I’ve done it since with any song I like. The kids love it and it is fun for them to watch the circle of kids walking round and round while they are singing.

Using Musical Instruments for Singing Time

7. Bring in musical percussion instruments and have kids play while you sing. They can keep the beat. Bells, drums, chimes, anything that clicks and clacks or keeps a beat, tambourines, bongos. etc.

Have fun practicing for your Primary Presentation!

August Primary Singing Time Ideas. WWJD?

The kids are going BACK TO SCHOOL this week. And I always think it is a good reminder to them to be reminded of “What Would Jesus Do?” in any situation they are in where they have to make a choice how to act. It is so easy to just go along with the crowd. But remind them how Jesus would want them to set the example for others in their class of what a true follower of Jesus acts like.

Do What Jesus Would Do….

A good song to sing for this is “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus”.  The flipchart for that beautiful song is HERE.  Another one that was in the FRIEND MAGAZINE a while back is one of my favorites; “If The Savior Stood Beside Me’.  The flipchart for that one is Here.  I found a goldmine of Flipcharts at Jolly Jenn. I LOVE all these flipcharts I found at the Jolly Jenn website. You can just choose which one you want. She has like a GAZILLION.


  • Find pictures or have kids “ACT OUT”  situations where people are hurt, lonely, calling names,  or NOT being kind to others. After each picture or acting  is shown, discuss how kids  would react and then ask WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?
    What Would Jesus Do? 

    You could also sing “If The Savior Stood Beside Me?” Another great Song! Sheet music HERE.
    The flipchart can be found here for “If the Savior Stood Beside Me thanks JollyJenn.

    This is one of my alltime favorite Primary Songs; If the Savior Stood Beside Me…..
     For one scenario, you could show a homeless person on the street. This is something many people would ignore but Jesus would reach out to help. For another scenario, you could show two people fighting, a kid being bullied in the halls,  a student  who is new and sitting alone.

    Remind them as they start a new school year that people are always watching us to see how we will act. And we need to always be trying to be the best example of a Latter Day Saint, a missionary, and a Christlike person who tries to do what Jesus would do. 
    What Would Jesus Do? 

    I remember teaching my youngest that when he first went off to high school I wanted him to remember to smile and say “hello” to the child in the wheelchair or the overweight boy, be kind to the new person or , open doors for girls, and I generally gave him a lecture about kindness to others, even people who weren’t his friends. He was an outgoing popular kid who had tons of friends.

    Later, when he was killed in a car accident, many parents came privately to my house, telling me about specific instances where my son had been kind to their child, and had been a friend to them when nobody else was. Other kids wrote letters and mailed them telling me small kindnesses he showed to them. That made me feel so comforted as a mom. He tried to be like Jesus in small ways. It’s an important lesson for all of us to keep improving upon. I know I could do much better.

    I can’t believe this little girls, my first grandchild, is starting first grade this week! EEK! Where did the time go? 

    At this  Back to School Time, at beginning of a school year is a great time to set new goals. So try doing one of these wonderful songs this week. And remind your Primary kids  to Try to  BE LIKE HIM. 


Homemade Playdough from Kool-Aide

It rained a ton last night and today it was muggy and hot outside so I wanted to think up something fun to do with my granddaughters while I was babysitting today.

Making Playdough out of Kool-Aid is so easy, I’ll never buy it again!

I had bought a pile of Kool-Aide packets to make playdough for my classroom kids last summer but I never got around to it. And that stuff was still up in the cupboard. So we pulled them all down, chose our colors (flavors!) and mixed up a batch in about 2 minutes! Seriously, I’m not Kidding! It was FAST!

There are only 5 ingredients in Kool-Aid Playdough besides the water……
My Granddaughters picked out their favorite Kool-Aid flavors for the Playdough.

It took me about 2 minutes to mix up the Kool-Aid Playdough! Super EASY PEASY!

It is soooooo super quick and easy. It calls for the playdough in the mix before adding the hot water, but I wanted to divide the one batch into 4 colors. So I experimented with it to see if we could add the Kool-Aide after it was all mixed up.

Kool-Aid makes great Playdough….it smells so good!
Here were the colors we chose today for our Kool-Aid Playdough.
Do you think they’re getting excited to start mixing them up? Oh yes they were!
This is the before picture….nobody has rainbow fingers yet. 😀

It worked fine except for one thing; all our fingers were rainbow colors! It dyes you fingers pretty good, but after a few washes you can’t even tell. I should’ve taken a pictures of our rainbow fingers!   What fun we had! And the playdough smells yummy too!

Meg chose Orange and Cherry-Red for her Kool-aid Playdough!
Marisa chose purple-grape and blue-raspberry Kool-Aid for her Playdough.

2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
2 pkg kool-aid (unsweetened)                           
2 tablespoons cream of tarter
Mix together then add in:
2 cups boiling water
3 tablespoons oil

Mix and knead for 4 minutes or until cool. We mixed it all in the Mixmaster for 4 minutes
then separated it into 4 bowls. Then we dumped the Kool-Aid into each bowl so we’d get 4 colors! The only bad thing is….we ended up with RAINBOW FINGERS! 

I was thinking this may be a fun thing to make ahead in little “snack baggies” ziplock bags and hand them out after the Primary Presentation to show your littles what a great job you think they did with all that singing. They sure would LOVE taking some home I bet!

Kool-aid playdough is so quick and easy and fun!

8 Songs for Pioneer Day Singing Time Fun

Pioneer Day Singing Time….teach one of the 8 songs for a fun time! 


1. Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked  Children’s Songbook 214

2. Little Pioneer Children  Children’s Songbook 216

3. To Be a Pioneer  Children’s Songbook 218

4. The Oxcart  Children’s Songbook 219

5. The Handcart Song  Children’s Songbook 220

6. Fun to Do  Children’s Songbook 253 

7. When We’re Helping  Children’s Songbook 198

8. If You’re Happy and You Know it Children’s Songbook )

Some EASY and fun activities for Pioneer Day Singing Time Fun start with dressing up as a pioneer! Then you could have a few broom handles and have 2 kids use those as if they are pulling a handcart. The fun 8 songs I love are the ones above. I especially love to do The Hand Song and To Be a Pioneer. Both are easy to teach. The Handcart Song Flipchart is HERE. Check it out because it is cute and easy to learn. To Be a Pioneer is HERE. Both are from 
My favorite Pioneer Day Singing Time Song is……To Be a’s so easy to learn too! 

Another cute thing to do is make a “PIE” spinner for your favorite PIE -O-NEER song. You could make the giant spinner out of cardboard, or just cut a piece of construction paper circle into 8 sections and put a different song underneath each one like I did. I cut halfway up between each pie piece so you could “lift” it up to see your song names. The kids LOVED it! 

Kids can spin to choose a pie, and Pioneer Day Songs are underneath. I actually used scrapbook paper. 
An easy way to make the spinner to spin is just place it on a table and use a pencil and a paper clip and use the point of the pencil on the inside of the paper clip and use your finger to flip the paper clip till it spins around the pie. Here’s a picture.

Spinners are so easy to make and do for Singing Time. Use one for Pioneer Day Fun! 
You could also do it with numbering the 8 songs onto 8  Pioneer Pinwheels for Pioneer Day Singing Time too! The link for learning how to make one is HERE at Cafe Mom. That would be bright and colorful done up in 8 different scrapbook papers! 
Instead of numbers on the top you could put pie names like I did, or just  numbers and use it again and again. Then underneath I put the song names on little yellow sticky papers. I would color each number in rainbow order if you do use numbers on top though. No sense having it LOOK plain! We like CUTSIE here!  And it would be nice to have it reusable. 😀
Bring a broom handle and have the kids “walk and walk” around the primary room like they are pulling a handcart. That would be fun to do with Pioneer Children Sang as they Walked.
They will LOVE IT!  
You could also come dressed with an apron and pioneer hat. The kids LOVE IT when you get into any kind of costume!  Or you could add a few suspenders or vests. That is a GREAT motivator for some good singing to happen!! 

Pass the hats around and have the teachers or some of the kids put them on. Then choose one to come up and lead with you…..or put the song numbers inside the hats and have them look for what song you will be singing next! “The RED pioneer hat is next, what song are we doing?” 

Or, you could get a few hats and pass them around on the teacher’s heads. I would have those teachers then watch for great singers in their classes to put the hat on for the next song sung. Boy’s hats could be straw hats,

A link to a PDF of a Pioneer hat pattern is HERE from a stake that did a pioneer trek. So nice of them to SHARE! I love when that happens!

Primary Singing for 4th of July Match the Socks or Hula Hoop Games!

I found a cute MATCH THE SOCKS SINGING TIME idea  from Bella Online’s 10 Singing Time Ideas. She sure has some good ideas.Anyway this “Match the Socks” game can be played with socks from home.  The more wacky and colorful they are…..the better!

Just bring a small laundry basket in and have it filled up with 10 or 12 pairs of socks.

Match the Socks Primary Singing Game 

And  inside each one put the names of the same song.  Kids can come up and “find a matching pair” of socks and then when they do they look inside one of them and find what song they are singing today.

My son Devin is home from Chicago for a summer visit. Here’s my little Lena doll. She smiles nonstop all day long! 

And here is Marisa and Meg’s favorite uncle. He plays chase and makes goofy faces with them!! 
As the kids match up the socks and find what song they are singing…
put the socks together in pairs…..

It would be easy to adapt it at HOLIDAY TIME time wouldn’t it? Having some cute RED WHITE AND BLUE stockings? That would be fun. You could  do the same idea, only  with scrapbook or wrapping paper “socks” and have them match socks and then sing the song inside.

I’d try to get a few wacky looking pairs of socks in your selection of Match the Socks Game
Here’s some funny pics I took of my kids and grandkids and a bunch of Hula Hoops at our last family dinner! My son Jeff and his wife Wendy are good sports, and so cute!  

Another Idea is to use HULA HOOPS from the Dollar Store. Have 3 kids come up at a time and try to hula hoop all through the singing of the song. As they drop their hula hoops they are out and have to stand still inside the hula hoop.

Marisa is the only one who is any good at it, she just turned 6! 

 The winner is the one who stays hula hooping and is still twirling the hula hoop by the end of the verse and chorus.  

She can twirl a few at a time and she’s good and proud of it!

Then all 3 or 4 kids go choose another person to try it. They won’t even know how many times they are practicing the songs! It’s a great review game! 

Gotta love some Superhero Socks! I’ve gotta get a pair of these babies!  Try finding Red, White and Blue for
4th of July Singing Time next week on the 30th!!! 
She’s so funny and fun to hang with. I love them all. 

In the case of paper socks, you’d have to have more than 10 pairs or it wouldn’t be very challenging. Maybe cut 4 inch long socks so you can make several sets (like 4 socks) out of each sheet of scrapbook paper.  Then they could find matching socks but if the songs inside did not match, someone  has to choose again to get the right “perfect pair” of socks.

Match the Socks Game

I think this is a fun idea.  I’d try it first with just a bunch of socks from your kids’ drawers. Just some striped, fancy lace, black dad socks, white sports socks, colorful kneesocks and soccer socks.  Have fun with Match the Socks Game or Hula Hoop Game! Both are super FUN! And Summer is off to a great start, yes it is!

He’s Our Bishop

YA HOO! SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER!  I can get back to blogging, I’ve been such a slacker!!
This one is a great one to prepare to sing for Father’s Day if your ward lets the primary sing. It’s an easy one too! HE’S OUR BISHOP!

1. Busy as a man can be,
He’s our bishop.
He finds time to talk to me;
He’s our bishop.
Always kindly words he’ll say
To the children ev’ry day.
Let us help him ev’ry way;
He’s our bishop.
2. Cheerful as he serves the Lord,
He’s our bishop.
He’s the father of our ward;
He’s our bishop.
He helps us to do the right
In our Heav’nly Father’s sight.
We love him with all our might;
He’s our bishop.

Words and music: Robert P. Manookin

There is usually a time in your month when the Bishop or a member of the Bishopric is scheduled to come into your primary to give a message and visit with the kids. Find out which week that is ahead of time and you can do something really fun, if he will agree to stick around for 10 minutes of your music time. Since Father’s Day is in a week you could have him come in and celebrate him!

Here’s my hubs with our cute little Meg. He’s donated LOTS OF TIES over the years….and he’s been a bishop too! 

Find your husband’s oldest, ugliest tie to cute up! You might need  a couple of your husband’s or dad’s or somebody’s old ties. Because you are going to cut them up and pretty much destroy them. So be sure they are ties with a spot or two on them. Then you call the bishop up and you tell the kids you are going to cut his tie as they sing. If they do a really, really good job on the song you will start snipping away at it. (but be sure you have made him take his good tie off and swapped for the tie with the tomato soup stain on it! lol)

Here is my daughter Tiff with her new baby, our first grandson. We had baby Dylan’s baby blessing last week. He wore this little 3 inch teeny-tiny- tie with a little blue suit. It was cuteness overload I tell ya!! 

 If you have words to the songs, or a flipchart, unhook it and give a phrase to each class in the room. Then get a really big pair of scissors, you are gonna have FUN WITH THIS!

Keep snipping little inch sections of it till it’s just a short nub. It’s hilarious. The kids can’t believe you are doing it to THE BISHOP!  

So then start singing the song. The kids know if they do a good job you are going to cut the bishop’s tie. Do it however you want, you can wait till the verse is over and then have a funny little chat asking the bishop if he thinks it was good enough? He can play along and say, no, not really, let’s hear it again. Or he can say, “Well it was okay, maybe good enough for one little snip!” and then go ahead and cut one inch off the bottom of his tie. This kids will go a little WILD!

 They  will absolutely LOVE this. It is so fun for them to see the bishop as a playful, loving guy, willing to come in and interact with them in a memorable way too.  Cut the Bishop’s Tie is super fun!  Here is a flipchart for singing the song at Sugardoodle. You could also have the kids ask him what his favorite primary song is and sing his favorites as part of singing time!

 Then go and do a few more snips of the tie on the most important song you are working on this month.  It is a really fun activity to do once in awhile, maybe twice a year. Be sure it is another member of the bishopric next time, so the same relationship can be developed with a different member of your ward’s leadership. It’s always a fun singing time activity to motivate kids to sing their best. And it’s a great thing to do on FATHER’S DAY since our Bishops are the FATHERS of the ward!

April Singing Time- Each Class Sing a Line

This April is turning out to be a freezing, frigid one! What happened to the sunshine we got a few weeks ago at Easter time? I keep waiting for a nice day to do some of my flower beds! Come on Spring!

Easter Sunday with my little granddaughters. They are so sweet. 

 One fun idea I had awhile back was getting different classes to sing different lines of the songs. It is a good way to get them to learn the song words faster too, because everyone will be listening to see if they get the words right!

Want to see Spring beauty in the world?  Come here to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, Utah.

After you introduce the new song choice (It could be one you did a previous year) and have sung it through a few times to your flipchart.  Then give each class one of the flipchart pages to practice as you sing the song for them along with the piano. When it gets to their part you can point to them and they will start to sing it along with you. Then point to another class to do the next line.

Each class sings a different line of the song.

 Do this several times till you feel like each class is getting the song. And it is so fun to make a big deal of pointing to the class that is singing. They will crack up a little at first and then tentatively sing along. You will have to still sing with each class so they keep on the beat and line.  Everybody gets into this fun activity.Try it. It’s fun.

Filling the eggs with candy was so fun for the grandkids…..seeing them race around searching was even funnier. 

Now a variation on this can be done next.  Have the first line people then sing along with the 2nd line people.  The best way to do this would be to have one person from each class come up in front holding the flip chart page. Then when it is their class’s turn they hold it up high and sing along. Then they sing along with the one next to them going around till everyone is singing the last line.  That’s a lot of fun too. So check it out!

Conference Time Activities for Kids

Conference is coming soon. HERE is a cute CONFERENCE BINGO game that kids will enjoy.

 You could do a neat singing time next week on all the primary songs about temples and then do a little quiz about how many temples were announced and where they are being built

Here is the Provo City temple getting a cool remodeling! You could do some temple songs for singing time!

New temples are usually announced during conference sometime. It will be fun to see what is planned!Link HERE to a great lesson with a temple mobile on the importance of temples by Robert D. Hales. It is short and easy to see how you could use it as a little lesson to do with singing time and temples.

I’d use temple pictures from the library each with a song on the back having to do with temples.

The Lord Gave Me a Temple #153
Families Can Be Together Forever #188
I Love to See The Temple #95
The Hearts of the Children #92, 93
This is God’s House #30
Truth from Elijah #90, 91

Temples singing Time

A cute coloring page for the song is HERE.  You could pass this out at the end of singing time for kids to take home and color. br />

 You could show them a conference Bingo card and maybe do a few of the squares linking them to a song with that word in it as you sing a range of songs. Have 2 colors of bingo chips (red for girls, blue for boys) and have a little competition throughout the 20 minutes of singing time to see how many words kids can hear and raise their hand to go cover with the “chips” which could just be colored circles of paper.

Here is Conference Bingo

Another song by Steven Perry and words by Brad Wilcox and it’s HERE copied from The Friend Magazine. Here is the first verse….

1. Of all the Sundays of the year,
the ones I love the best
are conf’rence Sundays twice a year,
so diff’rent from the rest.
I gather with my family
and feel the Spirit near
as I prepare to understand
the messages I hear.

Sing President Monson’s favorite Primary Song, “Give Said the Little Stream”. 

One bunch is from the church website. The link is HERE at There is a Bingo game for words that you hear in talks, a bunch of coloring pages, and some journaling pages to write in and color.

You could also sing one of President Monson’s favorite Primary songs! In his autobiography he said that he enjoyed singing “Give Said the Little Stream”. That’s one even the sunbeams can sing!
Here is some additional verses to the song that were written by Kimball Brown. 

Give Said the Little Stream
Additional lyrics: Kimball Brown
Lead: Ben Haacke

Give said the little stream
Give, oh give
Give, oh give
Give said the little stream
As it hurried down the hill
I’m small I know but wherever I go
The grass grows greener still
Give said the little rain
Give, oh give
Give, oh give
Give said the little rain
As it fell upon the flowers
I’ll raise their weary heads again
As it fell upon the flowers
Singing, singing all the day
Give away, oh give away
Singing, singing all the day
Give, oh give away

The Sunday before General Conference is a great time to do President Monson’s favorite Primary song! 

Give what is in your heart
Give away, Give away
Give what is in your heart
And your heart will ever live
Laugh when you’re filled with joy
Laugh away, laugh away
Laugh when you’re filled with joy
For laughing’s giving too
Give all you’ve got to give
Give away, give away
Give all you’ve got to give
Sing when your heart is full
Sing away, sing away
Sing when your heart is full
For singing’s giving too

Another packet can be printed out from Sugardoodle. The link is HERE at Sugardoodle.
Lots of activities can be found at Sugardoodle website for General Conference. 
A cute activity for elementary age kids would be this one. They listen to the talks with you, then color the sections of the fall pumpkins that have that word written that they just heard in a talk. It helps them to get something from conference by listening to the speakers with a little more attention! What an excellent idea from A Little Tipsy’s website
I’m looking forward to General Conference tomorrow! I wish I had tickets. I’ll just have to watch it in my jammies all snug by the fire. 😀

Resurrection Easter Eggs Singing Time

The Resurrection of Christ….the greatest event to ever take place for us….

I have SO loved this idea since getting it once in Relief Society in a lesson on the great sacrifice of our Savior and His Atonement. I have used this around the Easter dinner table in my family. I’ve used it teaching teenagers in Sunday School and in a Family Night. And I’ve reused it in primary.

Kids love object lessons. And this easter egg “signs of the Savior’s Sacrifice for us” is a great object lesson for kids and adults alike.  Every year, when I’ve taken out my little basket of eggs I’ve got a tear in my eye. I love the Savior. I believe in Him with all my heart. And I know in whom I have trusted.

If you want to hear a great talk check it out HERE.

In this chaotic life we are all a part of, it is a simple and clear walk through the steps to the Savior’s crucifiction and  resurrection, easily understood. I would try if I could to get the presidency to let you have a little extra time one of these upcoming weeks leading up to Easter.

I love this painting depicting the sacrifice our Savior made for us….

So many times we address just the “Next Lesson” in the yearly lessons at church. As a former Catholic, and a convert to the church,  I always have mixed feelings about this.  Why not recognize the greatest sacrifice ever made,  given by the greatest who ever lived among us on the National holiday of Easter?  I never did get that. Try to honor the Savior on Easter. That’s my simple and heartfelt message.

Another favorite painting of mine…I’m looking for a big copy of it to put in my greatroom remodel…it says to me….”I will look for you  when you  are lost…even though you are odd, different, ugly, damaged”  His love for us, evident.

The eggs can be put together using this easy tutorial HERE at Serving Pink Lemonade’s blog. . Use stuff around the house to fill your eggs. Another with a LIST is HERE at I actually like both of them. You could do a combination of both lists. I would skip the vinegar though, yucky :D.  A third lists is here copied from Yahoo Voices.

Egg #1: (palm) Jesus rode into Jerusalem and the people waved palm branches. Matthew 21:1-11
Egg #2: (cotton ball with cologne on it) Mary poured perfume on Jesus’ feet. John 12:3
Egg #3: (bread) Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples. Matthew 26:26
Egg #4: (coins) Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Matthew 26: 14-15
Egg #5: (a thorny stick) Soldiers placed a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head. John 19:2
Egg #6: (cross made from toothpicks) Jesus carried His own cross. John 19:17
Egg #7: (dice) Soldiers took Jesus’ clothes from him and cast lots for them. John 19:24
Egg #8: (nail) Jesus was nailed to the cross. John 19:18
Egg #9: (sponge) They gave Jesus vinegar mixed with gall to drink. Matthew 27:34
Egg #10: (whole cloves) Spices are used to prepare Jesus for burial. John 19:40
Egg #11: (rock) The stone covering to Jesus’ tomb was rolled away. Matthew 28:2
Egg #12: (empty) He is not here He has risen! Matthew 28:6

I would try to use the songs in the Easter section on one Sunday as well as going over your song for the month. Some links for flipcards on good Easter songs  are HERE at Precious Primary.  1. Jesus Has Risen 70, 2. Hosanna 66, Beautiful Savior 62 To Think About Jesus 71, etc. HERE  is a flipchart on He Sent His Son at Sugardoodle. Pick a child to come up and choose an egg. Read the scripture inside and show what object is inside and explain what part it played in the Easter story. It is usually a very quiet and reverent time, you will see. It may be your favorite thing you ever do in primary.

This picture is from another bogger Beyond Sippy Cups HERE.

I would also include the list of items in a copied off piece of paper to send home with the kids after primary and tell them they can make up their own dozen eggs with help from parents and redo it in their own family night. I loved getting this for my family and I would encourage any primary leaders to do the same. It has made a big difference in my life and my family’s too I believe.

sidewalk chalking  & egg dyeing

And don’t forget to color eggs and get some sidewalk chalk for Easter! One of life’s fun memory makers if you have kids or grandkids of any age! Happy Easter!