Primary Singing Time 2012 with HULA HOOPS

I liked to do this every so often to get the kids up and moving so they don’t have to sit for the whole 3 hours of Primary.  Use some Dollar Store Hula Hoops for your singing practice!  

Have 3 kids come up at a time and try to hula hoop all through the singing of the song. As they drop their hula hoops they are out and have to stand still inside the hula hoop. The winner is the one who stays hula hooping and is still twirling the hula hoop by the end of the verse and chorus.  

Then the 3 kids get to go pick out 3 more kids for the next song.  Maybe even 4 kids. I think it would be even MORE fun to watch others hula hoop than to  actually DO IT!  (maybe because I’m very uncoordinated at hula hooping? hmmmmm…..yes)

This is also good for the songs you need to sing over and over again for them to get memorized. The kids don’t realize they are singing them so many times because the other kids are kind of “entertaining” if you know what I mean….

Here’s my whole family on Christmas morning……after all the chaos had subsided….LOL

I hope this year is going to be even better than last!  Happy New Year  all! 
My son and his wife are so cute, aren’t they? lol 

My oldest granddaughter can do the hula hoop really good! She loves it! 

Here she is doing multiple hula hoops for all of us. 

She had an audience. Your primary children will love it too! Hula Hoops are FUN! Get them from the Dollar Store. 

Too bad I could never hula hoop. I’m too uncoordinated still! 

High Fiving Thomas S. on Temple Square… new Fav picture….  Here’s to a high 5 year….Let’s have one!

6 thoughts on “Primary Singing Time 2012 with HULA HOOPS”

  1. Love this idea because sometimes I get sick of doing the whole "hot and cold" game for repetition. Nice changeThank you!!!! Thank you!!!!

  2. I was just called to be the Primary Chorister in my ward and have been nervous because I have no musical talent AT ALL! However, I have become much more excited with coming across your fun blog, you have some great ideas! Thank you so much for putting this all together, I know I will REALLY appreciate it! 🙂

  3. Well, it isn't an easy calling. But don't think you have to be a great singer to do it well. Be energetic, and fun, and get help from your pianist when the tune is being learned. I usually show words while the pianist plays to start. So you don't have to sing a solo each week. Then a few of the kids will join in and by the time you've gone through songs 2 times, you will have some help. Trust me, just make it enjoyable for the kids and you'll enjoy it too.

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