November Primary Singing Time Ideas

My favorite Thanksgiving Song is “I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me” the older version. A group of my friend sang it at my baptism when I was an 18 year old new convert. I love this song in 4 part harmony the best, but it’s words make it very special to sing at Thanksgiving time….
It is the one that goes like this….


Whenever I hear the song of a bird
Or look at the blue, blue sky,
Whenever I feel the rain on my face
Or the wind as it rushes by,
Whenever I touch a velvet rose
Or walk by a lilac tree,
I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world
Heavenly Father created for me.
He gave me my eyes that I might see
The color of butterfly wings.
He gave me my ears that I might hear 
The magical sound of things.
He gave me my life, my mind, my heart: 
I thank him reverently
For all his creations, of which I’m a part.
Yes, I know Heavenly Father loves me.

I remember being a Sunday School Chorister in a University of Utah Institute ward and I had the back row of big burly single adults come up and hold bits of a tree branch, a velvety rose, a silk bird etc. and I pointed to each visual aide as we sang the song through. It was fun. You could simply collect the main icons of the song and do the same thing. Kids will learn it so quickly.

I’ve started decorating for FALL…..the Front entry table is ready for the big day! 

I made a fall arrangement of silks…
I’ve been collecting Thanksgiving decor for ages….It’s an illness…

I’d bring a few decorations with the theme of GIVING THANKS…..

This would also be a great song for the kids or a small ensemble to sing for Thanksgiving Sunday.

This is a great time to count our blessings. Find your favorite primary songs to sing about all that Heavenly Father has given us in this beautiful, bounteous world. In the meantime, find some things in your ward to be grateful for. Maybe somebody in the primary just had a new baby brother or sister. Or maybe you could invite the Bishop in and sing a special song “He’s Our Bishop”.

The kids LOVE that! And I think it would be nice to thank the bishop for all he does! You could also get a quartet of older kids to sing it at the microphone and the primary kids just join in the chorus.

Bring a pilgrim or a turkey or two…

I have always loved this time of year. FALL IS THE BEST SEASON OF ALL! I love the holidays, the scenery, the weather, and the traditions I keep with my family, and for all sorts of other reasons. Here are just a few of them. Here they are! My TOP 10 REASONS why the Fall Season is the BEST!

Maybe a Cornocopia or some Indian corn….

We’ve got a lotta turkeys around my house….hehe…A song on a few turkeys would be fun….

I saw this pretty wreath on pinterest. I’d love to make one of these! Check it out!
We’ve got some Indians…

We’ve got some Pilgrims

Or maybe you could just have the kids raise their hands about things they are thankful for. Then have them pick one of the Thanksgiving decorations you have brought with the name and number of the song taped to the back. I did that almost every holiday at least once. It’s so easy!

We made pine cone turkeys with colorful pipe cleaners….

Here are some cute things I found at the dollar store. They are SOLAR POWERED PILGRIMS!! SO they wiggle if placed under a light. Here is my pilgrim couple and their turkey. My grandkids will love this at their kiddie table.

Solar Dancing Pilgrims and Turkey….so fun! 

He is the funniest of the three. I got the last one! I hope they don’t fight over the turkey!

Fall Picture Wall decorations…the metal cone and rod iron are from RODWORKS in Draper….I love that place! 

Give Thanks….my cute turkey decorations

My grandkids’ table…

I would definitely use scarecrows and cornucopia this week, and maybe save the Pilgrims and Indians for next week, closer to the Thanksgiving holiday.

In the meantime, Happy Fall, Y’all!

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