Christmas Program From Luke 2 With Songs

Every year our family does the Nativity with all the animals, Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the shepherds and wise men, and readings from Luke 2. We have had so many neat Christmases doing this with cousins, aunts and uncles.

Christmas Program from Luke 2 

I decided to type up all the readings and then add the songs that I liked in between each of the readings. I thought maybe other families might like a copy of it. I just copied the 6 songs on the back of 2 sheets of paper (2 songs on each side) and had this on the front of one side of them and stapled it all together 2 sheets total. Everybody was singing in 4 part harmony! It was so neat. We have some good singers in our family too!

My granddaughters as the shepherds in our Christmas Program from Luke 2. This year it was all little kids that did the program because they are getting bigger now. We had age 4 to about 7 and about 7 or 8 grandkids doing it together. Sweetness overload I can tell you!! 

Here is the link to our Christmas Program from Luke 2. Christmas Program Luke 2 and Songs. Merry Christmas everybody!

Here is our family Christmas Program. We are singing Carols and doing the Readings from Luke 2.

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