Primary Super Heros & Hats

I got released from my primary calling but I will still continue doing the blog as long as I have ideas to share that I’ve done in the past.  So here is another idea that I’ve done before that might work for this week.

Silly Glasses, hats and goggles!

Since Thursday is St.Patrick’s Day get a black hat of any sort or just use some black construction paper and make one. Then go around your house collecting funny things to put in the “HAT BAG” that would be funny to wear. Here are some ideas; Ski goggles, Hobo Kelly Glasses, Funny Jester hats, Boingy hairband hats,
bunny ears, etc. and place them all in a trash bag.

This hat wiggles, that would be a hit!

Pokemon and Superhero hats are good!

The idea is that when you pull a child’s name from one of the sticks they get to go pick out a hat to put on somebody else’s head in their class or on their teacher’s head. Then we sing the song. It is funny because the kids love to do this to one of the kids in their class. 

Now what teacher wouldn’t want to wear THIS!
You could make a PRINCESS HAT  with just paper and a little fabric hanging off the top!

Cat in the Hat was from the Dollar Store!

Some years Ihave also included a Superman cape and they have to wear that and run around the room while we are singing. It’s kind of small though, so it is even funnier if they do this to a male teacher. It’s like a size 3 for a toddler.

You can call it “Crazy Hat Day” and have a lot of fun with it.  Then I just have them sing the prescribed songs that I need them to learn for the program. Intermixed with a few old favorites or activity songs. Popcorn poppin on the apricot tree should be one coming up in the next weeks since we are almost coming into the Spring season! Have fun!

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