If You Really Love To Sing…Primary Singing Time

I love to sing Primary Singing Time songs….

I really love to sing. I always have since I was a little kid and joined my big sister’s Christmas Caroling Choir. We were all just little neighborhood kids and she made us practice (snicker….) the songs before she would direct us going from door to door. Isn’t that cute? She was Suzy perfectionist I must say. But I’d never sung in a group as a 6 year old, except at my private school, where we really didn’t do much more than academics all day. I missed out on some of the best parts of education.

So let’s rejoice to the Lord in singing. It always brings the spirit. And it helps young kids if they can have something to focus on…things they love to do…while they are singing and re-singing songs. Simply the associating of things they love to these beautiful songs will make them love the songs even more.

Sooooo……While they are singing…..have them add an action if they really LOVE to do that thing. Here are a few ideas to put up on the board inside hearts, cut up into strips and choose from a jar, or just call them out before the song starts…
1. If you really love riding a bike…..turn the wheels with your legs while we sing.
2. If you really love running up and down hills stand up and run in place while we sing.
3. If you really love hopping like a kangaroo, hop while we sing this song.
4. If you really love to swim….swim like an Olympic swimmer while we sing this song.
5. If you like playing the piano or a percussion instrument, drum or play while we sing this song.
6. If you want to drive a car when you turn 16, steer the wheel while we sing this song.
7.If you want to be a primary chorister when you are older, direct the singing of this song!
8. If you want to be a missionary NOW, knock on doors while we sing this song.

My son Devin’s mission reunion we held at our house in 2010.. Have you ever heard a group of missinoaries sing a song from their mission…..PRICELESS!  Here was four of his companions posing together at his homecoming talk. 

We had sister missionaries living with us for 1 1/2 years
The one on the right was from Tonga, Sister N stayed at our house
without a transfer for over a year! She was one fantastic young lady!

So sing your heart out! And you can use this list and of course add to it! But a word of caution…. I would only do the wilder ones during songs that don’t have a super spiritual tone. Because sometimes the kids will not be super reverent when they are swimming (as you have probably experienced) so I’d save the numbers 6, 7 and 8 ideas for those songs that need more reverence.


One thought on “If You Really Love To Sing…Primary Singing Time”

  1. Hi! I just got called as a music leader & stumbled upon your blog in my furious search for ideas. Thanks for all of your fun posts! I really appreciate it!!

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