Singing Time Ideas May 2016

Singing Time Ideas May 2016 – Here I am in my element; teaching little kids how to sing and have fun. I pull sticks out of the can to be sure each child has a chance to come up and participate in the singing time games….

I use lots of these  “HUM and WHISTLE” signs on sticks so I can call on kids to come up and help me lead the singing in fun ways….

Here is another fun idea using little signs I made up that look like stars. We hold about 8 of these up around the room while singing “I am Like a Star Shining Brightly” as everybody  does the hand motions opening and closing their fingers like blinking stars.

I teach school and my motto has always been; if I’m bored, the kids are going to be bored too. Don’t be BORING!  Try new activities all the time. Play a game, do a dance, have the kids march in place or throw snowballs at you. Do fun activities along with teaching the songs. I hope I never got stale. I always wanted to do fresh, fun things to get the kids involved.

Try a game of Going Fishing using each fish as a song (list songs in washable marker on the back) or you could use them to write small questions and tape them to the backs of the laminated fish. The pole is just a dowel with string and magnet.

The other thing is to always bring the spirit into the singing time. The songs most often do it themselves. But I always taught lessons along with the songs. I would bear my testimony about my work in the temple. I would tell the kids about how important it is to include others and be nice at school with stories of things I had seen that made me sad.

I have made dozens of these kinds of things where you pull a string on the back and the thing grows, or goes up as they do a great job singing…..they are always delightful fun. Try a rocket blasting off, a thermometer going up in red, etc. 

I encouraged them all the time that they could make a difference in their own families by instigating kindness  or exhibiting helpfulness to their siblings and parents.

You can’t tell from this picture but the red tongue goes up as the kids sing louder or better. It is a funny one with the furry red head of hair on Lester. 

I would try to repeat things that were spoken about in the sharing time lessons when I had inspirations. The singing time is primarily a teaching time. So make it so.

I use lots of pictures and visual aids to go with all my songs. My favorite method to teach a new song is finding a flip book from Sugardoodle with words to go with pictures. 

If you’d like a few cute conducting ideas to keep the kids learning and interested, check out these posts by some music experts in the trenches of Primary Music. Teaching kids how to conduct is always fun too. And if you don’t know how, just read some expert blogs and copy them!

Here are a few ideas on leading singing from some experts in the field…..

Leading Sticks by Brooke Wakefield on Sugardoodle
It’s All in the Hands by Ali Katherman on Sugardoodle
A Conducting Wand on Sugardoodle
Conducting Elephant by Tifany Hoecherl on Sugardoodle

Pioneer Day is right around the corner. Get a few songs ready now for doing a fun activity for teaching kids about Pioneers. You could get a pioneer bonnet sewed up if you start now!

Looking forward to a great summer just around the corner. I only have a few weeks of school left and then I get the WHOLE SUMMER OFF! I’m transitioning from a year round school to a traditional schedule. So I’ll have a LOT more time to do my family tree’s genealogy.
Happy Spring!

December Primary Singing Time

 I have always done some Christmas songs and performed them in Sacrament meeting when I was a primary chorister during all 4 times I have had the calling. Christmas music brings the spirit into the meeting every single time it is sung. But to have little children singing songs of the Savior’s birth, well, that adds a special feeling all its own. And you can use some pretty tone bells, or get one of the kids to play their violin in a simple way. These things add so much to the meeting. 

Or you could Borrow a few resonator bells from your neighborhood elementary school for the older kids to chime to the beat. It will add a lot to the songs to have bells chiming, especially during the song Christmas Bells are Ringing, one of my favorites.

Christmas Bells are Ringing Flipchart at Sugardoodle! 

Or you can buy one of these xylophones that are a total STEAL at $20 bucks. I have used these for years in my classroom and primary presentations AND school musical productions. They are very high quality and pretty tough even with all the kid use they’ve gotten. I love them and have 3 of them. I highly recommend them. They come in a cool case with 2 little mallets. 

I use both of these types of musical instruments in my classroom and I used them often as a chorister. The kids LOVED to come up and use the mallets and keep percussion during singing time.

December Primary Singing Time songs.

I just wanted to share that I found a bunch of my relatives on Family and my hubs and I went to the Draper, Utah temple and did baptisms for them. It was neat to have my hubs baptize me and do the confirmations too. I loved being there.

We both used to be temple ordinance workers for 3 years when that temple first opened and before that were ordinance workers at the Jordan River Temple. I miss it. There is no place like being in that peaceful, otherworldly place.

It is always fun to have the children singing in sacrament meeting sometime in December. You can choose easy songs to teach so they memorize them quickly. I loved to do CHRISTMAS BELLS ARE RINGING and AWAY IN A MANGER because they were both so easy to learn. 
  Picture a Christmas Song When Joseph Went to Bethlehem Song

 But I’ve also done PICTURE A CHRISTMAS and WHEN JOSEPH WENT TO BETHLEHEM too. It’s not too late! Do a Christmas number. The parents love it and it special music always adds to the spirit of the meeting.

  “You are called of God. The Lord knows you. He knows whom He would have serve in every position in His Church. He chose you. He has prepared a way so that He could issue your call.You are called to represent the Savior. Your voice to testify becomes the same as His voice, your hands to lift the same as His hands. His work is to bless His Father’s spirit children with the opportunity to choose eternal life. So, your calling is to bless lives.There will be times when you will feel overwhelmed. One of the ways you will be attacked is with the feeling that you are inadequate. But you have access to more than your natural capacities, and you do not work alone. The Lord will magnify what you say and what you do in the eyes of the people you serve.”

Pres. Eyring

This is why Pres. Eyering is my very favorite. He was my Ricks College President back in the day when I was in my very first year of college. That was a long time ago!!. He was so kind and loving then and he is just as nice now. 
If you ever feel overwhelmed or inadequate in your calling, come back and read this again. It simply makes me feel joyful. So for December Primary Singing Time, sing songs that make you joyful!
Enjoy the beautiful music of Christmas this December. And enjoy getting ready for the holidays.

Our family Nativity a few years ago at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Remember the reason for the season amidst all the shopping and gift giving. He gave us the greatest gift of all, his life and Atonement.
Our family Nativity a few years ago at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. HERE is a copy of my Program that we do. Remember the reason for the season amidst all the shopping and gift giving. He gave us the greatest gift of all, his life and Atonement. Enjoy the beautiful music of Christmas this month.It is fun to get the adults involved in the nativities too.December Primary Singing Time. Remember the joy of Christmas music and to include some familiar songs into your teaching this month. December Primary Singing Time. Remember the joy of Christmas music and to include some familiar songs into your teaching this month.

Primary Sharing Time Christmas Nativities

I have been a teacher for 22 years in 1st and 2nd grades and kindergarten. I always peruse the artsy blogs for cute art projects for young kids to make. I absolutely fell in LOVE with this one. It is coloring pages for a children’s nativity! What a great fun thing to do one of the Sundays for Primary Sharing Time Christmas Nativities!  The one I would print out for the kids is
HERE which is the K-5 Nativity Coloring Page on the bottom right of the website.

It would be sort of messy to do watercolors like I’m planning to do in my classroom. But you could get boxes of crayons and have kids color them on their chairs. Then tell them that when they get home they can cover a shoebox with brown paper and use it placed sideways so the opening is facing you and make the manger.

Then they could cut up newspapers or yellow paper for the hay on the bottom of the manger. Then tape on their individual little people for the Nativity set. They could glitter the star and some of the halos with parent’s help. Then they could cut out the quotes on either of the downloadable “cards” and place that somewhere above the nativity set.

This is a wooden Nativity set I got years ago when my kids were little. I bought it from Deseret Book. It was a good one to keep on a low table for the kids to play with, without danger of breaking off the head of a shepherd, which happened to almost all of my other Nativity sets. I still have a headless poor shepherd. 

Nativity Printables from has this individual characters in the Christmas story you could copy and pass out. Or just the “scene” which can be found at their website HERE.  They have cards too, these could be made for parents for a gift too. They say “Happy Birthday Jesus” on them. Any of these would be such a darling project for sharing time maybe after reading the Christmas story from Luke.Thanks Bible Story Printables! What a nice gift. Thanks for sharing!

Lindon, Utah Stringtown USA train ride at Christmas time. It is another one of our family traditions. 

An outdoor Nativity scene in the snow in Lindon Utah. We take the little kiddie train every year in the Lindon Polar Express with the grandkids. It is a fun tradition if you live in the area. The website is HERE at Stringtown USA

These cards could be an activity to do with children on Christmas Eve or if you have a family gathering.  Just use crayons or colored pencils and you have a time consuming activity for kids so that parents can sit and visit.

My two oldest granddaughters a few years ago playing shepherds in our family nativity. I made up a downloadable Luke 2 readings and songs we do in our family for the Christmas Party. It is always a neat tradition. It is HERE. Enjoy!

Follow the Prophet

I try to Follow the Prophet. He is such an easy man to love. 

We all try to Follow the Prophet. And it is so great that our church does a conference twice a year where we can hear directly from the apostles and prophets. I loved hearing the words of the prophets at General Conference.

My favorite last conference was “Stay By the Tree” and this time was the “Ponderings” and hearing from Bednar, Holland and especially the new apostles. One of them, Elder Rasband,  was from our stake and he had recently moved away. I looked up some of his writings and this one really spoke to me recently. On Conference Sunday October 4th, 2015 I wrote this on my facebook page.

It’s been 10 years today that we lost Danny Moss in a car accident when he was a senior in high school. It was just days after a conference weekend and I remember him putting a golf ball in the living room while listening to conference with me on a Sunday morning. I’ve been reading some of the talks by Elder Rasband and this quote is a good one for me to ponder on.

“You can at the end of the day give an accounting to the Lord that has little to do with what happened and much to do with how you were sustained by the power of God. I have felt that influence in my home, in my assignments, and in the lives of my wife, children, and grandchildren. It is a sweet peace to know the Lord is with you and that you are His and that when His hand reaches out to you the grip is familiar and the message is clear: “Come unto me”

I love this picture of Danny and John at Yellowstone at a scout campout when he was around 15. 

He spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began (Luke 1:70).
I’m so grateful for General Conference and the feelings and inspirations I receive as I ponder the words of the prophets and apostles. I think certain talks are sent right for me to hear, don’t you? 

I took this picture last month when I was down at temple square to see my friend get sealed to her forever family. She had been waiting many years for her husband to join the church. Her kids are in their 20s. She has been a great example of faith and hope to me. 

A really good article in an old FRIEND Magazine that could be used for a sharing time or a singing time on following the prophet is HERE. There are lots of ideas for using the stories of Moses or stories in the Book of Mormon for teaching children how prophets listened to the Lord and obeyed even when it was hard. And how we can do the same by listening to modern day prophets. 

My daughter’s Baby Emma Lee. Isn’t she so cute? She smiles at me a lot. 

 I have felt so blessed and lucky lately. I have 2 new grandbabies that were born a month of each other. I got to attend 2 baby blessings to see their fathers bless them in church. Life is good.

My son’s baby Alexa Jane. I love this picture of 3 generations. 

What a great 4 generation picture here. I’m so glad I snapped this picture with Grandpa and Great Grandpa! 
Baby blessing day was a wonderful family day spent in Chicago. I’m so glad families are forever.

Primary Singing Time Ideas 2015

Here are some of my Primary Singing Time ideas that I’ve used every month over the years I’ve done this calling (4 times over many years). These things I keep in the cupboard at church and pull them out every so often when I’m not that prepared (nobody ever has THAT problem do they?)

Making sure all the kids get a chance to be picked…..just like in my classroom at school, I pull sticks out of the can to be sure each child has a chance to come up and participate in the singing time games….

Primary Singing Time tools – I use lots of these kinds of things on sticks so I can call on kids to come up and help me lead the singing in fun ways….

We hold about 8 of these up around the room while singing “I am Like a Star Shining Brightly” as everybody  does the hand motions opening and closing their fingers like blinking stars.

I teach school and my motto has always been; if I’m bored, the kids are going to be bored too. Don’t be boring. Do fun activities along with teaching the songs. I hope I never got stale. I always wanted to do fresh, fun things to get the kids involved.

Try a game of Going Fishing using each fish as a song (list songs in washable marker on the back) or you could use them to write small questions and tape them to the backs of the laminated fish. The pole is just a dowel with string and magnet.

The other thing is to always bring the spirit into the singing time. The songs most often do it themselves. But I always taught lessons along with the songs. I would bear my testimony about my work in the temple. I would tell the kids about how important it is to include others and be nice at school with stories of things I had seen that made me sad.

I have made dozens of these kinds of things where you pull a string on the back and the thing grows, or goes up as they do a great job singing…..they are always delightful fun. Try a rocket blasting off, a thermometer going up in red, etc. 
I went down to temple square to see a friend get sealed to her family. It was so pretty down there I had to snap a few pics with my good camera. Here I am! 

I think I might frame this one. I love to see the temple! 

I encouraged them all the time that they could make a difference in their own families by instigating kindness  or exhibiting helpfulness to their siblings and parents.

You can’t tell from this picture but the red tongue goes up as the kids sing louder or better. It is a funny one with the furry red head of hair on Lester. 

I would try to repeat things that were spoken about in the sharing time lessons when I had inspirations. The singing time is primarily a teaching time. So make it so.

I use lots of pictures and visual aids to go with all my songs. My favorite method to teach a new song is finding a flip book from Sugardoodle with words to go with pictures. 

If you’d like to start out the new year with a few cute conducting ideas to keep the kids learning and interested, check out these posts by some music experts in the trenches of Primary Music. Teaching kids how to conduct is always fun too. And if you don’t know how, just read some expert blogs and copy them!

Here are a few ideas on leading singing from some experts in the field…..

Leading Sticks by Brooke Wakefield on Sugardoodle
It’s All in the Hands by Ali Katherman on Sugardoodle
A Conducting Wand on Sugardoodle
Conducting Elephant by Tifany Hoecherl on Sugardoodle

I’m so grateful for this place. It is a peaceful destination where one can go to get inspiration. I love the reflection pool too.

August Singing Time – Practice the Primary Presentation

Most choristers are getting ready for the primary presentation in September. I always started to add my musical instruments about now. I always had a few instruments as accompaniments to the song. It adds so much.

I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!  ALWAYS
add some funny songs into your weekly list. 

One idea is to use the older kids who can play the violin. I had 2 girls a few years ago that played alongside an easy, repetitive chorus of one of the presentation songs.

Most years I have used resonator bells to accompany a song. I love the wood block bells and they sound delightful tinkling in the background. You can use other types of bells too.

First Note 15 Note Wood Xylophone  
 One I recommend is a xylophone set for $20 bucks. The tones of these bells is very crisp and rises above the piano AND the singing. And you can get a child who has some piano lessons in his/her background to play a simple rythm or several children to do chords to add to the chorus of a song. The link is HERE for Musician’s Friend, where I bought mine.  The kids LOVE them. they have many other types of bells to choose from for around $25.00.
Rhythm Band RB2130 Plastic Resonator Bells  
Another thing to start is maybe a song with sign language. I tried to do this every other year. It is so moving to watch young kids sign a song. Love One Another has signs in the songbook.

Another instrument I’ve used in the past is a flutist. I don’t care if it is an adult or a primary child, it always adds to the meeting.

And lastly, I will add some solos and trios or duets.  Many songs have a harder 2nd or 3rd verse that the kids do not really master in time. If that is the case in your primary, then add an older group of boys  or girls or a mix to trio the 2nd verse.

Look at this cute little trio. My grandkids at Cowabunga Bay with me. It was fun to spend the day with them at a waterpark but it sadly started RAINING! It was hot and rainy with warm water. Very weird but fun experience. 

It especially has worked well in missionary type songs. It just brings such a sweet spirit to the song lyrics to have individual kids sing them at the microphone. Anyway, add some special things to your program this month, so you have time to practice and perfect the special musical touches.

Primary Singing Time Ideas

I pull sticks out of the can to be sure each child has a chance to come up and participate in the singing time games….

Singing Time helps that have served me well over the years are easy, go to, bag of tricks items I can grab on the way out the door. Here are a few of my favs.

Pictures on sticks…..I use lots of these kinds of things on sticks so I can call on kids to come up and help me lead the singing in fun ways….

Sing like a Shining Star. We hold about 8 of these up around the room while singing “I am Like a Star Shining Brightly” as everybody  does the hand motions opening and closing their fingers like blinking stars.

I teach school and my motto has always been; if I’m bored, the kids are going to be bored too. Don’t be boring. Do fun activities along with teaching the songs. I hope I never got stale. I always wanted to do fresh, fun things to get the kids involved.

Magnetic Fishing – Try a game of Going Fishing using each fish as a song (list songs in washable marker on the back) or you could use them to write small questions and tape them to the backs of the laminated fish. The pole is just a dowel with string and magnet.

The other thing is to always bring the spirit into the singing time. The songs most often do it themselves. But I always taught lessons along with the songs. I would bear my testimony about my work in the temple. I would tell the kids about how important it is to include others and be nice at school with stories of things I had seen that made me sad.

For better singing, louder singing, more focus…..I have made dozens of these kinds of things where you pull a string on the back and the thing grows, or goes up as they do a great job singing…..they are always delightful fun. Try a rocket blasting off, a thermometer going up in red, etc. 

I encouraged them all the time that they could make a difference in their own families by instigating kindness  or exhibiting helpfulness to their siblings and parents.

Fun Motivators…..You can’t tell from this picture but the red tongue goes up as the kids sing louder or better. It is a funny one with the furry red head of hair on Lester. 

I would try to repeat things that were spoken about in the sharing time lessons when I had inspirations. The singing time is primarily a teaching time. So make it so.

Pictures and Visuals……I use lots of pictures and visual aids to go with all my songs. My favorite method to teach a new song is finding a flip book from Sugardoodle with words to go with pictures. 

HERE are a few cute conducting ideas to keep the kids learning and interested, check out these posts by some music experts in the trenches of Primary Music. Teaching kids how to conduct is always fun too. And if you don’t know how, just read some expert blogs and copy them!

Here are a few ideas on leading singing from some experts in the field…..

Leading Sticks by Brooke Wakefield on Sugardoodle
It’s All in the Hands by Ali Katherman on Sugardoodle
A Conducting Wand on Sugardoodle
Conducting Elephant by Tifany Hoecherl on Sugardoodle

I have used all of these things in my BAG OF TRICKS when I need something quick and I don’t have a lot of prep time. Try one of them this Sunday!

Pioneer Day Singing Time

Well this month is a good one for doing something Pioneery. Here we are at the Pioneer Day floats last year. I’m hangin’ out by this giant pioneer. Have you ever dressed up as a pioneer for Pioneer Day Singing Time in July? You have a few weeks to do some pioneer fun. Wear a bonnet at least.

And here’s the hubs tolerating a picture with a giant pioneer gal! Doesn’t he look like he’s having too much fun? haha. It is fun to dress up for Pioneer Day Singing Time. That’s a great idea people! 
Pioneer Day Singing Time

 One of my favorite things I’ve ever done for Pioneer Day singing is making a giant PIE with cut out PIE SECTIONS with song titles hidden underneath.

Pioneer Day Singing Time 

The kids loved coming up and picking a favorite flavor of pie (the top view of the pie sections had pie types written like cherry, chocolate etc.) and underneath I had written the songs we needed to go over.

Here I am with my cute daughter in law making fools of ourselves for Pioneer Day. lol I’d start planning now for wearing some pioneer duds one of these upcoming Sundays during singing time. The kids will love it! 

I loved it when we took all the grankids to the Pioneer Day Parade floats a few years back. Here we all are posing. We all went to look at the parade floats…..grandkids and all. It was really fun. 

For Pioneer Day They got their faces painted (and photographed a ton) and got some cotton candy too. 

 You couldn’t make cotton candy in primary but you could pull taffy! That would be a really fun activity if your sharing time peeps need some ideas! HERE is a recipe and how it is done. Or HERE is one using Kool-aid. It sounds yummy. And you could do a Taffy Walk instead of a Cake Walk and stop and call out a number and then whomever is on that number wins a piece of taffy and you sing that song number! Genius, I know!!

AND a clown made them some some balloon animals at the Pioneer Day floats. What more could you ask for at age 4 to 6? hmmm?

 You could also do a Pioneer “CAKE WALK” and pass out cupcakes or Rice Crispie Treats or Brownies to the winning numbers. Check out this printable and how to do it on one of my old blog posts HERE. Who doesn’t love winning a little cupcake in primary? Everybody loves cupcakes! Or rice crispie treats! I made these today and they were easy and colorful.

Pioneer Cakewalk Crispie Treats 

Rice Crispie M and Ms Treats recipe is HERE on my Weekday Chef blog.
Rice Crispie M and M Treats are so colorful and fun. 

These Rice Crispie Pops are a bit more time consuming but they are sure cute and colorful. And you could call them PIONEER POPS!  (Or just be lazy and buy some suckers and do the same). But then you’d have to call it a Pop Walk instead of a Cake Walk. 😀 

 HERE is a cute customizable primary singing time “fill in the blanks sheet”  from Bridgette Patteron. It will help you stay organized on Sunday giving out your Singing Time program and give a copy to the pianist and whomever is conducting primary!

Well the fun never stops I can tell you. Unless you can drive a train. Here I am driving the train! You haven’t lived till you’ve been a train engineer (or just pretended to be one). I love doing these photo face thingies.  I know. I’m so lame. haha. 

Check out this PIONEER CHILDREN SANG AS THEY WALKED FLIPCHART by Jolli Jenn. I used it to sing one of the songs. Happy Pioneer Day singing!

June Primary Singing Time

Have you tried using Hula Hoops to do singing time? It is summer, after all. And kids are getting out of school in a week ( or are already out driving you crazy!).Here are some fun activities to do using some Hula Hoops in Primary.

I liked to do this every so often to get the kids up and moving so they don’t have to sit for the whole 3 hours of Primary.  Use some Dollar Store Hula Hoops for your singing practice!  

Have 3 kids come up at a time and try to hula hoop all through the singing of the song. As they drop their hula hoops they are out and have to stand still inside the hula hoop. The winner is the one who stays hula hooping and is still twirling the hula hoop by the end of the verse and chorus.  

Then the 3 kids get to go pick out 3 more kids for the next song.  Maybe even 4 kids. I think it would be even MORE fun to watch others hula hoop than to  actually DO IT!  (maybe because I’m very uncoordinated at hula hooping? hmmmmm…..yes)

This is also good for the songs you need to sing over and over again for them to get memorized. The kids don’t realize they are singing them so many times because the other kids are kind of “entertaining” if you know what I mean….

My son and his wife are so cute, aren’t they? lol 

My oldest granddaughter can do the hula hoop really good! She loves it! 

Here she is doing multiple hula hoops for all of us. 

She had an audience. Your primary children will love it too! Hula Hoops are FUN! Get them from the Dollar Store. 

Too bad I could never hula hoop. I’m too uncoordinated still! 

I just had to include this funny video of my little grandson telling us where his body parts are. He is a future little hula hooper! Woot.

Resurrection Easter Egg Activity

The Resurrection of Christ….the greatest event to ever take place for us….

I have SO loved this idea since getting it once in Relief Society in a lesson on the great sacrifice of our Savior and His Atonement. I have used this around the Easter dinner table in my family. I’ve used it teaching teenagers in Sunday School and in a Family Night. And I’ve reused it in primary.

Kids love object lessons. And this easter egg “signs of the Savior’s Sacrifice for us” is a great object lesson for kids and adults alike.  Every year, when I’ve taken out my little basket of eggs I’ve got a tear in my eye. I love the Savior. I believe in Him with all my heart. And I know in whom I have trusted.

If you want to hear a great talk check it out HERE.

In this chaotic life we are all a part of, it is a simple and clear walk through the steps to the Savior’s crucifixion and  resurrection, easily understood. I would try to do this activity as a family on Easter Sunday.

I love this painting depicting the sacrifice our Savior made for us….

As a former Catholic, and a convert to the church,  I always have mixed feelings about not telling exactly what happened to Christ during his great sacrifice in Gethsemane and the events leading up to the Crucifixion. Why not recognize the greatest sacrifice ever made, given by the greatest who ever lived among us, on the universal celebration of Easter?  I never did get that. Try to honor the Savior on Easter. That’s my simple and heartfelt message.

Another favorite painting of mine…I’m looking for a big copy of it to put in my greatroom remodel…it says to me….”I will look for you  when you  are lost…even though you are odd, different, ugly, damaged”  His love for us, evident.

The eggs can be put together using this easy tutorial HERE at Serving Pink Lemonade’s blog. . Use stuff around the house to fill your eggs. Another with a LIST is HERE at I actually like both of them. You could do a combination of both lists. I would skip the vinegar though, yucky :D.  A third lists is here copied from Yahoo Voices.

Egg #1: (palm) Jesus rode into Jerusalem and the people waved palm branches. Matthew 21:1-11
Egg #2: (cotton ball with cologne on it) Mary poured perfume on Jesus’ feet. John 12:3
Egg #3: (bread) Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples. Matthew 26:26
Egg #4: (coins) Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Matthew 26: 14-15
Egg #5: (a thorny stick) Soldiers placed a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head. John 19:2
Egg #6: (cross made from toothpicks) Jesus carried His own cross. John 19:17
Egg #7: (dice) Soldiers took Jesus’ clothes from him and cast lots for them. John 19:24
Egg #8: (nail) Jesus was nailed to the cross. John 19:18
Egg #9: (sponge) They gave Jesus vinegar mixed with gall to drink. Matthew 27:34
Egg #10: (whole cloves) Spices are used to prepare Jesus for burial. John 19:40
Egg #11: (rock) The stone covering to Jesus’ tomb was rolled away. Matthew 28:2
Egg #12: (empty) He is not here He has risen! Matthew 28:6

 Some links for flipcards on good Easter songs  are HERE at Precious Primary.  1. Jesus Has Risen 70, 2. Hosanna 66, Beautiful Savior 62 To Think About Jesus 71, etc. HERE  is a flipchart on He Sent His Son at Sugardoodle. Pick a child to come up and choose an egg. Read the scripture inside and show what object is inside and explain what part it played in the Easter story. It is usually a very quiet and reverent time.

This picture is from another bogger Beyond Sippy Cups HERE.

 I loved getting this for my family and using it many times. It has made a big difference in my life and my family’s too I believe.

I am looking forward to Easter and Conference. My little kid’s table all ready…..

These eggs can be used for Resurrection Easter Eggs and the leftovers for an Easter Egg Hunt! 

“The grace of God is a precious gift, an enabling power to face life with quiet courage, to do things we could never do on our own. The Great Physician does more than forgive sins. He ministers relief to the disconsolate, comfort to the bereaved, confidence to those who wrestle with infirmities and feelings of inadequacy, and strength and peace to those who have been battered and scarred by the ironies of this life.” Robert Millett (see Isaiah 61:1–2Alma 7:11–13).” 

As we contemplate the gifts we have received from our Savior, and Redeemer, I have hope and trust in the above quote. I know there is a power we can turn to when life gets hard. And I, for one, need that power every single day.